Sunday, March 20, 2016

52 Frames - Chair Prompt

Here is the LINK to my 52 Frames for the prompt: Chair.  Please visit and comment.

"Worn and Beautiful"
When I saw this prompt I knew exactly what I want to do for it. There is an old wicker type rocking chair that has been sitting in an alley against some people's fence for over a year. I decided to get my granddaughter to be my model and take the chair out into the alley for a photo shoot. Along the way we picked some flowers and decided they would look great in... the photo as well.

Below are 2 more photos of the chair I took.  I hope you'll visit the above link to see what I picked as my final choice for the prompt.

This chair sits up against someone's fence that borders an alley in our neighborhood.

This next one is my model (Coleen) sitting in the chair in the alley.


  1. I do like that chair and Coleen is lovely!

  2. Sweet little springtime pic . . ,

  3. Love how you've embraced the challenge!
    I'm going through the album now!

  4. Bless you and your enigmatic & lovely model!

  5. Beautiful granddaughter and awesome bentwood should rescue it.

    Great pictures.

  6. Nice photos - I really like the last one.

  7. That is a nice chair.

    Emma and Buster

  8. Beautiful final shot. I did actually take a photo this week but did not get to post it. Maybe this week....

  9. Collee and the clothes she has on is perfect for this picture! Pleas add and link up SEASONS-Spring has Sprung. Between Mon and Wed. - it is appreciated:)

  10. It is beautiful!! If I were industrious, I might refinish it, but early in the morning like this I can see it is much too much work for me. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Very nicely done. Colleen makes a good model

  12. Sweet lady, like from a fashion magazine... and the chair could be my.
    Lately congrats to your birthday and best wishes

  13. Hello, great shot of Coleen! She could be a model. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  14. love the chair, love the idea, love the girl in the chair and love the one you chose to use in the challenge. Colleen is now a beautiful young woman. i can't believe how she has grown up in such a short time. you have a future model in your life.

  15. I only looked at 59 of the 400 plus photos and all of them were amazing. so is yours

  16. Great chair and beautiful model! Love her outfit!

  17. Coleen does a great job as your model!

  18. I have a chair exactly like that sitting in the shed. The caning is ripped in places. One of these days I hope to have it repaired.

  19. I love the photos! Love the funky chair...but I am in love with the alley! I want one! I think they are so unique. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  20. Great photo of Colleen! My Grandmother had a chair identical to that one!
    Enjoy your week and have a Happy Easter!!!

  21. Oh, goodness, Coleen looks older in this shot...and I love it.

  22. Well done!!
    It looked so sad and lonely just forgotten against the fence - but your daughter and those bright flowers gave it new life!! Wonderful.

  23. Did my comment of a few days ago not get through ... or have you been away? Id you did not get it, I commented on that your daughter Colleen with the clothes she has on, really fits in this chair! Hope nothing serious is going on and you're just busy:):)

    Hope to see you today or next week back at SEASONS with one of your beautiful images!

  24. The most important is that you're okay! And a birthday is a great reason to be away from your blog:):) Happy belated one!
    My email is jeannette(dot)coevorden (1) (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Have a great rest of the week!

  25. A beautiful capture of vintage and Spring!!!

  26. Lovely! Ps your heading is beautiful!

  27. It's amazing how well the chair is looking given that it's been abandoned to the elements. With a little bit of TLC it could be turned back into a lovely old rocker for someone's porch or conservatory. Lovely photo of pretty Coleen with spring blossom. All the best, Bonny


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