Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Randoms

                If you are looking for my GOOD FENCES post click on the link.

Now let's have some "random" fun by joining Nancy (A Rural Journal) and Tanya (Around Roanoke) for: Random Five Friday and Willy-Nilly Friday Five


1.  I've been participating in a Photography Group called,
52 Frames.  Each week you are assigned a challenge or theme to photograph.  This particular week the challenge was the color, Red.  I thought a lot about it and then my "sick sense of humor" kicked in and I decided to do a Lobster Boil using Coleen's stuffed lobster.  Here is the photo I submitted for the challenge.  The story of the Lobster Boil will continue in my Willy Nilly photos so be sure to check out the entire post.

2.  My mom & I went last Friday to get haircuts.  I decided to do something different with my hair and I went "short"  It's been about 30 years since I had hair this short.  The first day after I got it cut I sunburned my neck!  I had Coleen take a picture last night (I hate having my picture taken) so you can see the "new-do."

3.  Last Saturday Coleen and I went up to the Park for the annual, "Spring Fling" as they call it.  It's basically a lot of different vendors that you can browse through but they have performers throughout the day & a car show.  I thought this Purple car was pretty neat looking so I took a picture of it.

4.  For Mother's Day I received this lovely rainbow colored spinner.

I also got a smaller one but haven't yet taken a picture of it to share.
5.  You haven't seen Piglet (our cat that lives next door at my mom's) in a long time.  I snapped a picture of him lounging on her floor last night to share.


1.  Lobster Tale (Tail) continued....So during my photo shoot I got the brilliant (or not so brilliant) idea to turn the burner on to make it more realistic.  I shot several photos and then decided I had enough so I turned the burner off and went to take Coleen's lobster out of the pot.  To my horror I discovered that the heat had melted his tail!

I spent almost 2 hours sewing his tail back together enough that it looked halfway decent.  Needless to say everyone had a good laugh about my lack of common sense.  I guess we photographers will do just about anything for a photo shoot!

2.  Sharing another of the 52 Frames challenges.  This one was Macro shooting.  It's not a super close-up but I loved how pretty this photo turned out.

3.  Another of the cars from the car show.

4.  This week my 2 nieces and my great nephew were able to come for lunch.  It was a very "late" birthday lunch for my niece, Shelby.  They always come for Maccaroni & Cheese.  My niece, Krissy brought her little boy, Izak as well.  He's such a darling little boy.  I took some pictures of him.  The settings on my camera were off a little from experimenting for another challenge but I think this shot of him is cute so I'm sharing it.

5. Finally a photo of my poppy plant as I learned last night how to finally get the color orange to look orange on my camera and not yellow-orange!

That's it for me this week.  Don't forget to stop in and visit Nancy & Tanya's blogs.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Hello Ida, I had my hair cut short too. I guess it is a good idea to use sun screen on our necks. I love your pretty flowers. I had to laugh over you cooking the stuffed lobster. Piglet is a sweet kitty! Thanks for the comment and visit! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. The lobster shot was so creative! How's high key coming?
    Your hair looks lovely!

  3. You know I spotted the burner on under the lobster! Sorry for laughing at the demise of the lobsters tail, but that's funny!
    Loved all your photos especially little Izak!
    Have a fun weekend & goes easy on the lobster!

  4. The lobster boil is hilarious and clever. Love your humor!

  5. Those Poppies - are gorgeous - and make me a little homesick . . (giggle)
    i agree with you - that purple car is Fabulous!!!

    Sunscreen on that skin of yours, please . . I like your haircut . . ya know, long ago i used to fall asleep with rollers drying on my head - several times i woke with uncomfortable blisters on the back of my neck . . . kinda like to melted tail lobster friend, hm???

    Happy Week to YOU,

  6. Hi Ida, I have kept short hair for a long time now. Love all your photos: lobster, cat, orange poppy flowers, etc. Have a great weekend!

  7. poor lobster! :) cute kitty. i love my short, short hair. :) hope you enjoy yours!

  8. You look lovely with your new hairdo Ida and what a cutie Izaak is. Had to smile at the lobster in the pot and the story of its tail. The flowers are lovely, all your photos are. Have a great weekend.

  9. A lot of good stuff here - spending time with the family! Guess what - I had a hair cut today (so that's a week later than you). Your hair style looks great on you:) Love that painted jeep and the little boy is so cute:) Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Your poppies look great-wonderful orange color.

    I need to look for new clothes as everything I have is too big. I have yet to find the right size...sigh...

  11. looks like a lazy cat but honestly what cat isn't?

  12. i can't stop laughing, the pot and the melted lobster is HILARIOUS!!! i do love the first shot of it sitting in the pot and did not notice the fire underneath until i saw the melted tail and went back for a second look... this is so me.... us mad snappers will do anything for a photo...... remember my matches????

  13. Loved the lobster story. I think spinners are so much fun. Great old cars. Such a cute little one. You've been busy! Have a lovely week.

  14. Oh, I'll bet you are going to love that short hair in the summer! Your lobster made me laugh, so funny. Great shots of the flowers! Really great shots. That's all you'll be seeing on my blog soon. Flowers, flowers and flowers. I need them to get me through the winter months!

    Have a wonderful weekend Ida!

  15. Poor lobster! :-) Great photos. Love those poppies, and everything is so colorful! How are you liking your new haircut? I haven't ever had my hair that short and I feel like it would take some serious "getting used to." :-)

    We are moving to the Bend area, central. We won't be going until fall. Our daughter and son-in-law are already there, and we've had the grandson here till school's out then he will fly there. I am looking forward to it! Will we be very close to you?

    Have a great weekend!

  16. That lobster has just the right expression. Guess they used nylon or some kind of synthetic thread in the stitches. Oops! Wonderful photos, all of them! You are so good with your camera settings.

  17. Love the purple car.....a blast from the past!

    Happy weekend,

  18. Your photography is great.

    Oh, no! I did not see the flame on the pot. Had to go back and look. Glad you could save the lobster.

  19. I loved the first pic of the lobster and got a chuckle out of your story! Your haircut is cute BTW.

  20. What a lovely photo of Izak he looks adorable ...

    Hope you've had a good weekend

    All the best Jan

  21. I LOVE your sense of humor. Surely, we must be related. My sister-in-law seems to think in only runs in our family. We love her anyway. You were so brave to have the burner going in the first place. I'm afraid I would have ignited the whole thing! Interesting paint schemes on the vehicles. Your white blossom (hydrangea?) is a beauty. Handsome little fella. Great job on the poppies! I have short hair again, too, but I guess I need someone else to take a photo, I haven't liked any of my selfies. Hope you the burn on your neck wasn't too uncomfortable.

  22. Hello Ida
    I love all your fives!
    That lobster is hilarious - you have a great sense of humour.
    What a super lunch and that little guy is gorgeous!
    The cars are fantastic an love your poppies.
    I would love to have the time to do a photography challenge like that - sadly as I'm still working I can't fit one more thing in!

    Have a lovely week Ida
    Shane x

  23. Your lobster story made me laugh (even before the second part, which was even funnier). Lots of sweet family fun and memories-to-be going on in this post -- I enjoyed it all.

  24. i am swooning over that purple car.....and your hair looks awesome!!!!

  25. I am SO excited for car show season.
    Cute new hair cut. I would probably burn my neck to if I went short.

  26. I love your hair cut. I so want to cut my hair, but think I will regret it...


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