Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Black and White Wednesday - Scenes from Bennington Lake

Today I'm joining Adrienne (My Memory Art) for:

We took a quick drive up to Bennington Lake the other day & I snapped a few photos while we were there.  I'm sharing them today.  I've converted them to BW but I'll include the colored versions too.

Be sure to click to enlarge:

Spotted this Falcon (correct me if this is a Hawk)  I was quite please at how close I was able to get with the 75-300mm lense that came with my new camera. - Although this has been cropped.

Queen Anne's Lace in bloom.  One of the shots I took while practicing Depth of Field (DOF) shots.

A Dragon Fly we spotted - Coleen pointed it out to me.  Loving the shimmering wings.

Fencing and grass near one of the trails that you can walk on around the lake area.


Farmland viewed from across the lake.


  1. What lovely artistic photos! I don't know whether I prefer them in b&w or in colour.

  2. Beautiful shots both color and black and white.

  3. I just adore the shot of the fence - the lines are amazing.

  4. Superb scenes and photos, Ida.
    I love the way you have captured the grass blades and the fence.
    Have a Happy Week ahead.
    Peace :)

  5. Nice conversions to B&W. I especially like the fence image, it has great character. Thanks, Ida for stopping by so often. I appreciate your kindness.

  6. you have a great eye for choosing the black and white ones :) Love the Osprey. :)

  7. i am glad you showed the color also... in the case of all of these, i think the black and white shows more detail than the color...

  8. Queen Anne's Lace has never looked so pretty.

  9. Nice work Ida. Of course I really like the Osprey - colour or b&w.

  10. Fabulous! You know the one that struck me the most was the fence and grass photo. Outstanding! I also love the gentle, graceful landscape shot. I'm never certain about the different kinds of raptors except bald eagles and vultures. Rich can always recognize an osprey, though. It might be an osprey.


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