Friday, June 10, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday Five - It's all about Coleen

Happy Friday!

Today I am joining Tanya (Around Roanoke) for,


School is out now.  Yesterday was the last day for the kids.  Wouldn't you know it,  It rained today on the first day of Coleen's summer break.  She's,
"bored" already. 

This past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activities for her.  So today my post is all about Coleen.  - Hope you don't mind if this proud Grandma shows her off a little.

1.  Coleen (in the brown dress) played Marimba at the School Talent show (and again at their 5th Grade Graduation yesterday).  She really had fun learning how to play the Marimba's.

2.  I took this photo of her the night of her Piano Recital.  She sure looks grown up in this shot. 
3.  It was hard to get a decent picture of her at the recital because it was held in a small living room and people were seated in folding chairs which made it difficult to see Coleen.
She played her first piece really well but struggled a little with the 2nd one.  There were quite a few mistakes made by several of the participants.  That happens.  We were still very proud of her performance (even if she wasn't - there were a few tears).

Getting a hug from her teacher and her Certificate at the Graduation Ceremony yesterday.

5.  After the ceremony we managed a quick shot with the happy girl.

L-R Proud Mom, (Greta) Grandpa-Hidden, Coleen & Great Grandma.

She had a great day for sure.

Edited to add:  Debbie said I should have been in the above shot so I'm including a shot that I had Greta take...

Grandma Ida and Coleen.

Don't forget to check out the other particpants.  - Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. what an awesome pic of the 3 girls, you should have been it that as well. colleen is so grown up now, a small, beautiful woman!!!

  2. They never gave us a graduation for kindergarten, elem, or middle when I was in school.

  3. how wonderful to have four generations there. her smile is wonderful and her hair is beautiful. i know you are all very proud of her as you should be...

  4. Many congratulations to Colleen! In the year I've been following your blog, she has really blossomed into a lovely young lady, gifted & talented too!
    Wonderful post!

  5. What a beautiful grand daughter...especially her eyes !! She does look grown-up.

  6. ida, I see why you are so proud!

  7. Congrats to Colleen and you all!!

  8. Oh Ida ... what a fabulous post.
    I loved everything in it, especially all your photo's.
    ...and well done Coleen

    Wishing you a great weekend

    All the best Jan

  9. You have a wonderful granddaughter!

  10. Coleen is a beautiful young lady. What a happy family! Have a great weekend!

  11. Coleen is a lovely young woman. I know you are very proud of her.

  12. Up until today, I thought you were Coleen's mother! We recently had a bit of a rough go at a piano recital as well, but they are both okay now. Lots of lovely family photos!

    Enjoy your Saturday Ida.


  13. I love to read notes by a proud grandma and I think there's a resemblance there, you and Colleen.

  14. Oh, what a beautiful young girl she is!! And to do a recital is special! That in itself takes a lot of nerve and professionalism!! Way to go Coleen!!!


  15. Great pictures. What a pretty young lady she is for sure. Hope the weather for her break gets better.

  16. Oh Ida, how wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing this very special day with us out here. You all looked so happy and congratulations Colleen, you did your family proud :)

  17. Coleen is certainly growing up! She's a lovely young lady. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  18. Oh, Coleen looks so beautiful and all grown up! I hope she has a wonderful summer break. She is a very talented young lady.

  19. Hello, congrats to Coleen! She is a beautiful girl. Wonderful series of photos. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  20. Coleen is really growing up, but I guess that happens. Good for her learning the piano and the Marimbas. She'll get into the swing of summer soon. I know you'll be out and about with her and the rainy days will be too few soon enough.

  21. Congratulations to colleen. I agree she looks very grown up in that first recital shot. I like the way her hair is styled too.

  22. what a wonderful post ida! congrats to colleen! i enjoyed all the photos...she does look so grown up, and pretty! great photo with her mom and great grandma, and the one of you both! i hope she isn't still bored! thank you for linking and this week's is finally ready to go!

  23. Wow, I thought I could tell she was growing up in previous pics...really, really see it here. She is a beautiful young lady.


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