Thursday, July 7, 2016

Good Fences #120 - White Stone Wall

Welcome! - I've been absent from the blog for a few days but am back today for GOOD FENCES hosted by Theresa (The Run-a-round Ranc Report)

Just down the street from us is a White Stone wall/fence that I find very interesting to photograph.

This shot shows the gate that is on one end of the wall.  I think it has a "medieval" look to it.

In this shot you can see the lovely flowering tree that drapes over it in the spring.
Finally I captured a view of the wall through another fence on a vacant lot.  I like how the roses blooming in the overgrown yard are visable through the opening of the fence.

Hope you have enjoyed my fences today.  Have a wonderful day.


  1. A great find, Ida! Love that first gate - I'd like to have it:) Hope your week went well, and have a lovely weekend! See you in a few days at SEASONS:)

  2. That is certainly a very solid tall wall adn alos the gate will kepe you out.

  3. Beautiful old fence and gate. Yes, it has a real mediëval look. Like it! Wish I could walk in there. I love the flowering tree on the second photo. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You really fenced us in today. All are great, but I really like the gate.

  5. very cool gate! love the peek into the lush garden.

  6. Love that wall and gate! Beautiful!

  7. It's lovely and of course we've got to see what's behind the doors! Beautiful!

  8. Hello Ida, pretty fences and flowers. Happy Skywatching, Enjoy your weekend!

  9. It does look rather medieval. I like your photo with the roses.

  10. It really does look like the entrance to a castle! Beautiful! Enjoy your week. Hugs, Diane

  11. Delightful flowers! And I really like the textures on the first shot.

  12. Those roses really do stand out! I wish that last shot did not remind me of my garden! I work at those weeds, but they always come back...I guess they are a wonderful (Well, not so wonderful) example of resilience! Also enjoyed your photos of the stone wall.

  13. Das Tor und der Rest geben Raum für Phantasie. Schöne Fotos. Die Pflanze mag ich auch sehr. Schwarzer Holunder?

  14. Beautiful gate and fences. Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. i like the lines and shapes in the first one and the second is just beautiful to see, and the last is really interesting looking through one to see the other

  16. You tend to have some terrific, artful images of fences Ida. And these are absolutely exceptional.

  17. Beautiful photos, Ida. You have a gift for finding interesting, lovely things. Thank you.

  18. That's a pretty nice looking stone wall and I agree the gate does have a medieval look to it

  19. Lovely shots, Ida! Happy Friday and Good Fences! Aloha!

  20. Three lovely photo's. I do like your first one but it is always nice to see some flowers too like your other images show.

    All the best Jan

  21. Looks very solid, Ida.

    I can imagine a small medieval army defending the fortress.

  22. Wow that is quite a solid fence. I can see why you like to photograph it. I like the gate too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. No rain today but windy instead. Cloudy tomorrow they say.

  23. That is a serious fence and gate; I would have to wonder what is hidden behind. I like the peep into the overgrown yard. Nice shot.

  24. Handsome stone fence indeed . . .
    Nice to get the flowering tree as it draped over the wall.
    And the "peek of the roses" through the fence . . .
    Very nice . . .

  25. this one is a beauty ida, you are surrounded by beautiful fences and gates in your area!! this does have a medieval look to it, i also like when they are decorated with flowers!!!

  26. Each fence is beautiful with its floral surroundings ~ lovely creative photos!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  27. Ohhh, it looks like a beautiful garden behind that magnificent stone wall!

  28. I live the unusual gate at the stonewall. It is beautiful in a sturdy way.

  29. Hello,Ida,
    You have posted lovely fences! I agree with you. The first fence is medieval looking.
    Love the roses peeking from the fences!
    have a good new week.

  30. That is a lovely stone fence. I agree with your thoughts on the gate. Nice two-fer view, along with roses on display.

  31. Beautiful pictures, loved the medieval look to the old gate and fence too! Also really liked the picture of the flowering tree hanging over the fence. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far :)

  32. Summer in the Pacific Northwest!! You live in a lovely neighborhood -- I always enjoy sharing your walks.

  33. Lovely photos, Ida. It is nice to imagine what might be hiding behind a tall fence.

  34. This is so pretty! Just exactly what my idea of a "secret garden" would look like.

  35. The last picture is my favorite! Postcard or Calendar photo :)


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