Monday, September 12, 2016

Seasons - It's Fair Time

First I want to extend a Heartfelt Thank You to everyone who commented on my last post about losing our sweet Snickers last Friday. - It meant so much to us to know you all cared & understood our loss and how hard it was to say good-bye to her.

Last weekend was our local Fair & Rodeo.  I didn't post then because we were still dealing with a very sick kitty at the time and hoping that we wouldn't have to make the decision to put her down.

So today for SEASONS  hosted by Jesh I am sharing a few of the shots I took at the Fair.

What's a Fair without Food (although we didn't eat any there this year as it's always so expensive and I needed the money I had available so Coleen could go on the rides and play games.)  - Still I love all the colorful booths and flags so I just took pictures instead.
One of Coleen's favorite rides is called, Wipe Out.  Here she is enjoying this ride.  Since Grandma doesn't do rides and she had no friends along she often sat by herself on the rides. 
They had a couple of Longhorns that they were giving people rides on.  I snapped this guy as he was getting his saddle put on.  They sure are gorgeous animals.

This ride is called, The Tornado - The ride to the right in the photo is,
The Zipper. - Coleen loved this ride, it was her first time going on it.  She rode it a couple of times.
The majestic Tiger from the Wild Animal display they had at the fair. 
We spent 4 1/2 hours there and I took lots of photos (which I'll share more later on).  It was a fun but tiring day.
Don't forget to stop in on Jesh's blog and check out the other particpants for Seasons. - Have a great day.


  1. I love tigers, and we see plenty of those long horns here in our part of Texas.

  2. I am so sorry about Snickers...I know how hard that can be. My heart goes out to you. I love your Fair photos. It's always so much fun. I don't ride the rides any more...but there's always lots to do! Sweet hugs, Diane

  3. Fairs are fun but they can get expensive. Our local fair starts tomorrow. It's within walking distance so this year I'll most likely do a lot of walking there

  4. magnificent photography and what a fun place ~ delightful!

    Happy Creating ~ ^_^

  5. Coleen is lucky to have such a grand-mom. Your tiger photo is one of the best animal portraits EVER! May I share it on my blog with credit and a link to your blog? I'm sure lots of folks would really enjoy seeing it again, dear Ida. God Bless You

  6. Looks and sounds like you had a fun time and Coleen doesn't seem to mind being on the ride alone. : )
    I know what you mean about the food being so expensive at fairs.

  7. i don't do rides, either. but i might try a longhorn.

  8. With those big horns, longhorn can ride himself to me

  9. That's some rodeo that has tigers, rrrrrrr. Have never seen the Tornado ride it looks like a lot of fun maybe 20 years ago, lol. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet kitty.

  10. It does look like a good time was had by colleen.

    So sorry about Snickers. You know I know what it is like. I can see in that shot of her by the window that she did not look well.

  11. Looks like a fun day. The tiger is magnificent.

  12. Fairs are such fun. Looks like you had a great time.

  13. I really enjoyed my trip to your fair and am waiting to see the rest. I do love that long horn steer and I can see the joy in Coleens face on that ride. I would be with you taking pics. LOVE the tiger to

  14. Hello Ida, cute shots of Coleen at the fair. I love the longhorn and the tiger. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  15. I wish those tigers were as cuddly as they appear to be. Beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Have a great week Ida.

  16. I love the longhorns, Ida! Very nice.

  17. A day with rides is always tiring, lol! I commend grandma for doing the rides!! Also love the longhorn and the tiger. Many thanks for sharing this outing with SEASONS and looking forward to see the second part! Have a great week, Ida:)

  18. You don't hear about fairs much any more but they have made some fond memories for me. Your photo show the lovely weather for the fair and the rides look fun! I like the animal shots, too.

  19. A ride on a longhorn? That would be interesting!

  20. hi Ida, it looks like fun! I love the shot of the Longhorn! have a beautiful week!

  21. You are so right, the fair is one of the best places to go!

  22. A perfect post for 'Seasons" because County Fairs to me were a big part of the end of summer. Looks like you both had fun.


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