Thursday, October 6, 2016

Good Fences #133 & Little Things Thursday - Oct. 6, 2016

Welcome! - It's been a busy week (again) here.  I finally managed to get my mom in to see the doctor and found she had an infection in her legs so she's on medication now to clear that up.  Plus they gave her pain medication for her back and she's finally starting to get some sleep after nearly 2 weeks of suffering from bad back pain. - This of course eases my stress level so I'm able to relax a little more and join in on some of the Meme's I enjoy.

Up first:  GOOD FENCES

On one of our walks Coleen and I spotted a fence surrounded by Rowan Tree berries.  Here are a few shots of the fence and berries.

Here they are growing through the slats in the fence.

Here they are resting on top of the fence.

Here they top the fence along with growing through the slats.


Spreading out in all their glorious color.  - Aren't they wonderful.

Be sure to stop by Theresa's blog (The Run-a-round Ranch Report) and check out all the other Good Fences featured.


Now let's join, Tamar (Random-osity) for:


One of my favorite "little" things lately is our new kitten, Caramel Honeybun.

I can't resist that sweet little face and just look at those whiskers!

Someone dropped an ice cube on the floor and she found it.  I snapped some shots of her enjoying the ice before I picked it up. 

She brings lots of joy and laughter into the house for sure.

Have a great weekend!


  1. The berries are such a wonderful color! I can see why Caramel Honeybun is one of your favorite Little Things. She is just too cute! Happy Thursday!

  2. Ida, lovely berries against the fence! A nice colour!

  3. I always wondered what those trees were called and I always wondered what a Rowan tree looked like. Now I know.

  4. Congrats on your new kitty. I am sure things are lively there! :)

  5. What a sweetie your new kitten is and a perfect name. I love those whiskers!
    The berries on the fence are beautiful.
    Glad your Mom is sleeping better and has something for her pain.

  6. There sure are lots of berries adorning the fence! It makes a very pretty scene!
    Honeybun is just so cute and sweet. Your photos are lovely!

  7. Look how cool with them growing through the fence!

  8. The rowan growing by the fence is wonderful! Such a sweet little kitten, too! I had a kitten who 'climbed' me once. That was painful! Lol! Glad to hear your Mom is on the mend. xx Karen

  9. Glad your mother got some relief. Nothing worse than a back pain. The fence with berries a great choice.

  10. That tree is so pretty with all the berries. Caramel Honeybun is totally adorable

  11. Beautiful! Love the orange color! Congratulations on the new kitten!

  12. beautiful fall bounty in those berries! love the kitty. :) and glad your mom is getting some relief and rest!

  13. That's a great series of shots of the fence with the Rowan Tree Berries. Pretty...

  14. Those berries are really lovely as is the cat!! Great whiskers!

  15. Those berries are the perfect color for the season. Beautiful shots.

  16. What a beautiful kitty, makes me miss my houseguest who was also a source of constant amusement. A royal set of whiskers indeed.

  17. Those berries are such a pretty color!! Caramel Honeybun is adorable!

  18. What great autumn color from the rowan berries....would love to have some for decorating. Great job on capturing Caramel Honeybun's whiskers!!

  19. I can't resist whiskers either. Except, on my husband.

  20. Oh my goodness look at those whiskers


  21. when my son got his kitten Jessie James, named for his actions, rogue kitten he was. and he was adorable just like this one. wow on the size of those whiskers. daddy had Pyracanthas that looked a lot like these berries.. they had terrible thorns

  22. Love your kitty. Those berries have a fall color and you captured them at their best. Do you know if they are eatable?

  23. I think rowan berries are a beautiful splash of color in fall.

  24. She has long whiskers.

    I agree that my edit made it look like rippling water too.

  25. Beautiful pictures of the fence and berries! And your sweet Caramel, oh she is a doll! Just loved the picture of her face looking up, that one is a keeper!! So glad to hear that your mom is feeling better, I know that is a big responsibility for you.

    Hugs to you today sweet friend :)

  26. I hope now that your mom is on medication things will improve.

    I love your fence photo's and the rowan berries.

    Caramel Honeybun is a sweetie, great photo's.

    Take care and good wishes for the weekend

    All the best Jan

  27. Those rowan berries seem to add joy to that fence. Nice kitty shot, too.

  28. Hello Ida!:) Lovely images of the rowan berries adorning the fence, they look similar to the our Pyracantha bush, which is in bloom now. I'm so pleased you have a new kitty Ida, she is adorable, and Caramel honeybun is a perfect name for her. Good news about your mom!

  29. The berries are indeed wonderful...and that baby kitty is sooo sweet.

  30. How beautiful kitten! Actually I'm "a dog person" but always love to give a little scratch when I see cats :)

  31. These are beautiful berries! I have pyracantha with berries much like those...with big long stickers on them. Is that the same as a Rowan Berry Tree?

  32. Am trying to catch up with everyone (when you see th post, you'll understand why). Love the orange berries by the fence! Great fit for the Fall:) Haven't looked closely yet, but hope you to see you there for SEASONS this week - it's only Monday, so there;s still time till Wednesday evening:) Have a beautiful week, Ida!

  33. Rowan Tree? It sure looks like Pyracantha (firethorn), a new name for me.

  34. the fence looks good with the berries as decoration.

    Love that little friend of yours. Looking forward to se more of her. :)

  35. The berries in the fence are a great catch! The colors are so pretty for autumn!

  36. Hi Ida, your new kitten is adorable, so sweet. I also love those berry laden fences, wonderful shots.

  37. Oh love the little things and your fence photos ~ wonderful ~ thanks!

    Wishing you a special week ~ ^_^

  38. Beautiful pictures! I love the berries on the fence and the kitty is just too cute!

  39. Hello Ida,
    These are really beautiful and colorful photos using the berries to the fence :-)

  40. the fence and berries are so beautiful!! like free fall/halloween decorations!!!

    good news about your mom, everyone will rest easier!!!


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