Thursday, November 10, 2016

Good Fences #138 - Rustic Beauty

What a week it's been here in the US - I'm sure the world is watching us all now and seeing just how we are going to handle this election.  Again I
urge everyone regardless of how you voted to be kind to each other, show respect & stand behind our leaders in prayer.  

So now let's move on to something not political in nature.  -  It's time for,
GOOD FENCES - Hosted by Theresa from The Run-a-round Ranch Report.

My fence today is nothing super spectacular.  It's just a plain wooden fence but I think it's beautiful if you stop to look at the details.

I love the various heights of the boards on this fence.  -  It looks faded on the one side but I'm thinking that is just due to the way the sun was shining on it and the angle that I shot the photo. - It's still a very weathered fence.

I like the gate in the middle of the two sections of the fence. and the moss growing on the fence as well.

My favorite feature is the latch that is on the fence.  I think it's really cool looking and give it a very rustic feel.

Sometimes aged things just have a beauty all there own.  Imperfections can be beautiful.

Don't forget to stop by and check out all the other great fences.  Have a wonderful day.


  1. Hello, great shots. I like the weathered fence, gate and the latch. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  2. Looks a great fence Ida
    Rustic beauty describes it well.

    All the best Jan

  3. it really is beautiful and I am thinking they recycled old wood to build it.. love it

  4. A nice looking fence. I like the weathered look of the wood.

  5. I think your "plain wooden fence" is just lovely. It looks comfortable and gives a feeling of security. I agree, the latch is appealing. I like the handle, too.

  6. The angles you got of this fence are spectacular!

  7. i like it, too. thank you for stopping to share simple beauty.

  8. I have to agree about the latch. I like it, too.

  9. I agree it is a beautiful fence...and love the gate closure!

  10. I like this fence and love the latch! Great photos.

  11. Your photos really do show the best aspect and textures of this fence! Great job and I love the latch too!

  12. it's beautiful ida, for all the reasons you stated. and you make it look even better though your photographs!! well done!!

  13. Very nice! I like how the fence boards vary in height.

  14. I've never been the biggest fan of the aged look even though I know many are. If I had that fence I'd get some solid stain for the wood and spray paint the hardware but that's just me.

  15. Hi Ida, I love this fence, the gate, the latch. I love the moss, also. There are some really large rocks in our yard and some have moss growing on them - I just love that!
    Wishing you and yours a nice weekend and may God bless America.

  16. It is a good fence. And unlike our old fence, the latch still works!

    (We use a big rock to keep the d.a.w.g. from escaping.)

  17. I too love the little gate. A fine one :)

  18. Neat fence-- you have a nice eye to catch it. The heights appear totally random yet average out nicely.

  19. I love the varying heights of the fence in the first shot. There's something about weathered wood fences - they have their own charm!

  20. wonderfully creative photography of those fences! thanks!

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

  21. The latch picture is awesome Ida! I also love the angle you shot the mismatched boards too, it really catches the eye. Have a blessed week :)

  22. Well, the fence may not be spectacular, but your photos of it certainly are!

  23. Just checking in to see if you had posted and forgot to link...hope all is okay in your world.

  24. Canada has definitely been watching the election with great interest, and really nothing is changed for us: we will always work with the American President to strengthen our bonds and our two countries. Friends to the end!!! :)
    I love the old time rustic look to this fence. The weathered boards and the old fashioned lock. It's got heaps of charm.

  25. Aged and imperfect is truly beautiful! Just look at all the colors and character. Good find, Ida!


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