Friday, January 20, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday Five and Good Fences

Welcome! - Gosh it seems like I just never have the time anymore to spend on the computer like I use to.  I'm trying hard though to keep up with visiting blogs so please be patient.

Today I'm joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for Good Fences Around the World (which I'm a little late getting to)

and Tanya (Around Roanoke) for Willy-Nilly Friday Five which I haven't posted to for some time so it's good to be back.

1.  Spotted this "art?" by a fence on one of my walks last year.  - I'm not sure what they were trying to achieve here but it made for an interesting photo.

2.  Our big snow/ice got a bit of a reprieve this week as our temperature's warmed up to almost 50 and melted much of the snow and ice.  Prior to that I took a photo of the Icicles hanging off the side of my mom's house.

Sadly the nice warm weather only last 2 days and now we are back in the low 30's and possibly lower next week. - At least you can drive on fairly safe streets now though so that's a good thing.

3.  I never thought that I would ever get a Kindle since I enjoy reading actual hand held books but I asked for one for Christmas since it's hard sometimes to find books at our local library and having a Kindle makes it so much easier to find the books I want to read.  Currently I'm reading:

You all know how I love cats and well this book is just a fun read.  You can find out more about it here:  Having been cooped up a lot with the weather it's been nice to have the time to read for a change.

4.  We've had "back-to-back" birthday celebrations here this week.  My mom turned 88 on the 18th & Coleen turne 12 yesterday.  Here are the birthday girls with their cakes.

It's fun to celebrate with them but also tiring doing 2 different birthday's but they each like having their own day to celebrate.

5.  I finally stamped a card! - I made my mom a birthday card (which she loved) - I don't stamp as much as I use to but I hope to do more this year then I did last year as I really have fun making the cards and people do seem to enjoy receiving them.

For more information on this card you can visit my stamping blog:

Thanks for stopping by & have a great weekend.


  1. Our birthdays are bunched together in the fall. I haven't seem icicles like that this winter, well we haven't had much winter!

  2. What a lovely card
    Nice to see photo's of the birthday girls

    All the best Jan

  3. Happy birthday to everyone! 12 already, wow!
    Those icicles are insane!

  4. Love the card you made and good to celerate both birthdays. I have never see ise that long!1 WOW!

  5. I love the shot of the icicles, so dramatic.
    And yes I think my photo is an old neglected dry stone wall, trying to retain what was behind it.


  6. lol, yes, an interesting piece of art :) Hope your girls had pleasant birthdays :)

  7. this is really a beautiful card. Happy Birthday to both of your 'girls'. I can't figure out the stick/brick art either. I remember my first viewing of icicles like these was at age 10 on the edge of our house in KY. we were totally fascinated at their beauty.

  8. That sculpture??? ha It is certainly interesting. Perhaps it is an unfinished project at this point? I do think it has potential. Whoa - those are some icicles!! I hope no one had to walk under those. Love the card - you should definitely do more stamping. The personal touch is so nice.

  9. What a lovely card creation for Mom and gorgeous icicle shot ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  10. It's good to see a post from you anytime, Ida. Afraid I'm not very good at keeping up since Christmas. I still love your fence posts (hahahahaha, pun not intended). Never thought I'd want a Kindle, either, but Rich gave me one as a gift and I love it. Easy to read in low light, and I get books from the Kindle lending library (a Prime benefit). Still read masses of hand held books, too. Hope they never go away. There's just something about an honest to goodness book. Happy belated birthday to the girls! You made your mom an adorable card and I know she loved it.

  11. Great photos Ida! Besides working a part-time temporary job, I have hunkered down a bit with the colder weather. A good way to not spend money.. What a sweet card! 😊

  12. You card is beautiful! And what fun to have birthday parties this winter...both of them so special! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Hard to believe Coleen is only 12. She 'acts' older. I get that through your pics. LOL

    I didn't want a kindle for a while, but now, I LOVE....there are several 'free' newsletters...if you want me to give you the sites, email me. Not all books are actually free, some are just cheap. But some are actually free, and then go back up to the regular price. I hate to admit how many books I have on mine, and so many of them are free.

    And I still check out kindle books from the library...all from the convenience of my chair.

    And then there are certain books that I have the actual book, but I have bought the kindle version, too. LOL

  14. I like the second pic. Hope you enjoyed the birthday party(ies). Happy sunday!

  15. Dearest Ida; Wow, what a big Icicles!!! We had first little snow fall toady but haven't piled up; I wished to take pictures of "snow scene' but not realized p;-)
    Happy belated birthday for your loving two ladies♡♡♡  I DO hope your mother is doing fine! 88th birthday is called Beiju (米寿)in Japan and one of the special birthday to celebrate♩
    Hope you all have a wonderful new week and please stay warm.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  16. i love your robins, your icicles ... those look kind of scary. i can so understand your thoughts on a kindle. i agree, but i love mine. i have 2 ... one of the older models ...that does not have a light up screen ... and a newer model when they went on sale i did grab it up and i love the light up screen. reading a book all lighted up is awesome. i love holding a real book though. do it when i have one & it was on sale, etc. ( ;

  17. Happy Birthday to your Mom and Colleen. Lovely post and photos!

  18. Wishing the 'girls' a Happy Birthday! So nice that you celebrate their own special days. The yard art is certainly interesting :) - perhaps a child's creation! I remember my boys making things like that when they were little. Glad you are thawing out just a bit. You have been hit hard this year! The book looks good, too. Wishing you a happy end to your week and hopefully no more snow. xx Karen

  19. I am so glad to see you back and I know how you feel! I have been struggling to keep up too! Happy Birthday to both of the birthday girl's! I always like to see the photos you snap while out and always manage to find such interesting things! Your birthday card turned out so cute! Thank you for linking and hope you find time to join again soon! 😊


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