Thursday, March 30, 2017

Good Fences and Little Things Thursday - March 30, 2017

Welcome Back! - Hope you are having a wonderful day.

Today I'm joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for Good Fences Around the World and Tamar (Randomosity) for Little Things Thursday.

Up first

GOOD FENCES:  Last week I featured a fence taken in Weston, OR on Main Street.  - Today I'm featuring another fence from that same little town.

I happened to walk past the Library there and noticed how charming it was.  Sadly I didn't get a picture of the entire library, I'm not sure why that is either.  But I did notice the little white picket fence in front of the library...

It's a pretty typical metal picket fence but what caught my eye was the colorful poster on the fence.

Here I was trying to capture the fence and the flower boxes behind it (which the focus turned out more on the fence but you can still see the flower box in the background)

Now you can see the flowers better.  They were gorgeous.

One thing I noticed is that in all the photos I also managed to get reflections of the fence in the library windows.


 This is one of the gifts I received for my birthday last week.  He makes me smile.
Also making me smile was this lovely gift I received from one of my bowling league team mates, Patty.
 It was so sweet of her to remember my birthday and those cats are just so precious looking.
Hope you have enjoyed your stop here today.


  1. That fence is so cheery with the flowers behind it!

  2. love your kitties and froggey.. and what a beautiful library and flowers.

  3. Belated birthday wishes, Ida! I really like the frog for your garden! And cats are a perfect gift for you too!
    Your photos of the library and fence are just charming!
    Happy weekend ahead!

  4. I love to visit the library and that one is so welcoming and charming! The gifts are so sweet. Happy Belated birthday.

  5. I like the look of a white picket fence. That frog is adorable and the cats are really cute

  6. Lovely fence shot with the pretty flowers and love your 'little things' photos too ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  7. That is a great picket fence and love the orange flowers behind it. But best of all are those kitties with the candles inside of them. We like those a lot. You all have a great day.

  8. I think the fence needed that poster. it came alive! :)

  9. White picket fences always make me stop and notice the yard they surround. I love your froggy...I have one similar and the two kitties are adorable.

  10. I love the white picket fence and those pretty flowers. I love the reflection of the fence in the glass.

    Your birthday gifts are cute as can be. Patty must know how much you love CATS! So cute.

  11. So you are another March baby..Happy Birthday

  12. Love your collection of little things - your cat candle holders are cute, I'd like to have the flower boxes, and your froggie is fab!

  13. That poster makes the fence! I love the froggy, too.

  14. Nice birthday presents, very fitting for you!!

  15. What could be more perfect than a little white picket fence and pretty flowers. Delightful images.

  16. I love the little cats ! I have a cat collection of more than 450 cats of all kinds, but this I haven't seen yet !

  17. Ida your fence photos and sweet little things are adorable. Thank you for dropping by my blog 'Lunch Break'

    Much love...

  18. Oh, the crisp and clean allure of a white picket fence bordering shiny, green grass and accented with beautiful blooms! Your photo essay today is pure storybook sweet! Thanks for making me smile on this windy and rainy day:)


  19. I'm glad you had a nice birthday and got some cute things to enjoy for Spring. The fence with flowers in the background is gorgeous! WOW! What nice photos! Happy weekend!

  20. You can't go wrong with a white picket fence!

  21. Love your birthday frog and happy birthday late!

  22. Happy birthday, yes I am to late but I am Wishing you all the best for all your days


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