Thursday, April 6, 2017

Good Fences Around the World

Hello and Welcome.

Joining Gosis (Looking for Identity) for GOOD FENCES AROUND THE WORLD.

Today I'm showing the last of the fence shots that I took from a trip we took in 2015 to a small town in Oregon (Weston) for breakfast one morning.

We spotted this along the drive and I had hubby pull over so I could get a couple of pictures.

Not much of a fence there but it went well with the Covered Wagon that was there.

A closer view of the Wagon

This I think was the entrace to an RV park.

Whenever I see covered wagons I always remember that as kids one night at the dinner table we ask our parents what it was like to come across the country on the covered wagons!  Of course our parents weren't old enough to have traveled in covered wagons but we sure thought they were.

Have a great day.


  1. Now that is something you don't see every day!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  2. Not everyday you see a covered wagon. Nice captures!

  3. Can you imagine making a cross country trip in one of those wagons with kids? One of my daughter's friends asked me if I was at home in Georgia when Sherman make his march to the sea! LOL

  4. Wonderful photos. I absolutely love fences. The older the better!!!
    Thanks for sharing.
    diane @ thoughts&shots

  5. That is too cute about asking your folks about wagons! lol
    Love your photos/fence. Hope you and your family are doing well this week.

  6. Wonderful covered wagons and fence and great photos for Fences ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  7. Great shots.Love the covered wagon..Have a good weekend

  8. Hi Ida. You have ovely banner! I love the covered wagon and the fence. It reminds me of the cowboy town that I see in the cowboy movie. No nice of your hubby to stop for you. Ha ha I too would ask my hubby to stop for me.

  9. I love that covered wagon...I cannot imagine going across the USA in one, though. Our ancestors had to be strong-willed and determined to do what they did.

  10. can you even IMAGINE going on a long journey in one of those?? People back then were surely of much stronger stock than us folks today, ha ha LOL Covered wagons remind me of Laura Ingalls Wilder books and old shows like Wagon Train and the Rifleman.

  11. It looks so fragile. Quite sobering to think of the long journeys they undertook in wagons like that. The fencing is lovely, too!

  12. wow, very cool and very beautiful!! covered wagons...they really make you think!!

  13. Good morning Ida,
    Your blog header looks great! Love the shots of the covered wagon. I cannot imagine traveling any distance in one of those. I get sore in our modern vehicles!
    Enjoy your weekend,

  14. That covered wagon is a thing of beauty. Must have some stories to tell.

  15. I like both the wagon and the sturdy fence :)

  16. Your covered wagon looks like something from a fairy-tale to me. It looks perfectly at home beside that rustic fence.

  17. isn't it odd how we viewed our parents? I always thought mine were old when we moved to KY and now that I do the math, mother was only 29 when I was 10.. love this covered wagon, I had not thought about they were the first RV's for traveling cross county.

  18. what great photos. Greetings from Europe

  19. That's a cute little squirrel...I've never seen one that shade of tan! Enjoy your weekend my friend. Hugs, Diane

  20. How cool! You don't see those very often. Nice rustic fence to go with it!

  21. Definitely a home made and no frills fence. Nice photos!


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