Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday Fun

I'm a little behind with my blogging of late so I'm combining several Memes today.




1. I often photograph cats while walking or driving around town so today I thought I'd share this lovely Dog that was watching us from behind his owners fence.
(Sharing for Fences From Around the World)

See that bruise on my arm...I had a little accident on Monday.  It actually doesn't look that bad here but it got worse and I had bruises on my breasts and my knee too from my little mishap.  So what caused my accident?
3.  They should come with "Warning Labels"

I was pulling weeds and trimming back my rose bushes and decided to move the garbage can closer to where I was working.  The lid was open and I grabbed the handles to push the can ahead and the next thing I knew I was laying face down inside the can (Stop Laughing)...Apparently the lid caught on the grass and shoved the can out from underneath me and I went down with a bang.  - Thankfully no teeth got knocked out but I was pretty bruised up. 

4.  Time has gone by so quickly this year and I forgot to even post that I celebrated my 25th Wedding Anniversary last month (April 18th).  We went out for a nice dinner that evening and on the weekend our daughter and granddaughter suprised us with a nice little party.  (No pictures) - So instead I'll share one of the songs that was sung at our wedding.

5.  I've been busy this week outside weeding, planting, watering...flower beds at both my house and my mom's place next door.  Lots of hard work for sure.

This is my mom's side of our driveway.  I also planted flowers on the other side next to our house as well.

Now for Feline Friday:


  1. the cats ROCK... and always have their way, thanks for the pretty dog looking at me. I love dogs and the big ones BEST... Happy Belated Anniversary and so happy you are still on the way to # 26 after your set to with the garbage can. I will remember not to move ours with the lid open. YES, I did laugh but I stopped when you said to.

  2. Cats are cats and they do whatever they want, whenever they want.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday. ☺

  3. I love your mother's flowers Love from Europe

  4. #1 He's just taking you on.
    #2 It shouldn't last too long.
    #3 I'm not laughing, but I must admit that I'm smiling.
    #4 Congratulations. 49 years for us this year.
    #5 There's no need to water things here, rain, rain, rain.

  5. Happy Weekend, Ida. I love the fence photo with the pretty dog. I'm so sorry about your fall. That is terrible. Your flowers are so colorful and pretty. I love your sweet cat too. Happy 25th anniv. We will celebrate 25 in Nov. I like that DF song - very pretty!

  6. Sorry to hear about your little mishap. I have a garbage can like that! and will be careful with it. : )
    The flowers you planted are very pretty.

  7. Ouch on the accident. I hope your garbage can isnt as disgusting on the inside as ours is. Happy anniversary

  8. Lots of fun indeed this Friday. Cats do have it all, and i very much admire your green thumb.

  9. Oh Ida! That was a scary accident that could have turned out so much worse, I am sad that you are bruised up and sore. I know a lady that slipped and fell into her deep freeze with similar results, including bruised ribs! I hope you heal quickly.

    Your flower gardens are lovely... a beautiful variety of plants and colors, so fresh and bright!

    Congratulations on 25th years of being married! That's a testament to love and hard work to keep it going. It also shows the younger generation that it can be done! :-)

    I loved your Feline Friday kitty pic, yes, in my next life I'd like to come back as a very pampered house cat... what a life, complete with adoring servants! :-)

    Josie Two Shoes

  10. Sorry about the accident. Ouch!

  11. Sorry for the mishap ida and it really scary the way u come down… though too late, I wish you happy 25th year. wow, you maintain a cute flower bed and so colourful to watch :)

  12. Happy Anniversary! That is a lovely garden. The dog is adorable but so is the cat. I'm sorry about your garbage can mishap, that sounds like something that would happen to me!

  13. Hi Ida, happy 25th Anniversary. Sorry about your tussle with the garbage can. I never thought to laugh until you said STOP LAUGHING! Lol! Thanks for the beautiful golden dog looking out through its fence and also the beautiful cat photo and quote. So true. Have a great day. Jo

  14. Sorry about your fall! I promise I'm not laughing. :-) I once fell down an entire flight of carpeted stairs while on the phone, just bump bump bump down on my tush and at the bottom the person on the line said, "Are you all right?" I said, yes, I just fell down the stairs, and they burst out laughing. :-)Love your puppy behind the fence, and those lovely petunias!

  15. oh my goodness....that was quite the fall....ouchy.
    That cat has life figured out! Very cute!

  16. I sure enjoyed these, and sorry you fell...but your description made me want to laugh out loud for sure.

  17. I was tempted to laugh at your mishap but my own silly accident is still fresh in my mind, so I resisted. Congratulations on your 25 years, a wonderful achievement. Lovely song for the occasion!

  18. That sweet dog does look bored behind the pretty fence. I hope all the soreness and bruises will all disappear soon. Congratulations and happy 25th Wedding Anniversary to you and your hubby. That is a very beautiful song for your celebration. We will be celebrating our 37th this year. I can see that you have a very beautiful garden full of lovely blooms. Cats seem to have a very good life. Have a beautiful and blessed Sunday!

  19. I love that end quote about kitties!
    I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. I imagine it looked hilarious but getting banged up is never a laughing matter. You're probably quite sore. Heal quickly so you can stay on top of your gardening. That has got to be the happiest little flower garden I have ever seen!

  20. Ida ~ sending lots of healing hugs ~ wishing you Happy Anniversary ~ and your post and photos are all wonderful ~ love the dog behind the fence ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

    ps. Time has been fleeting by me also ~ be well

  21. Ida, hope your bruises have all disappeared, that was quite a mishap!
    We also had "Longer" at our wedding 33 years ago.
    Your flowers look beautiful. We are a couple weeks here from planting annuals, too cold yet!
    Have a good day.

  22. i'm sorry you got hurt, i really am....and i am not laughing...hehehehe - SO SORRY!!!

    your gardens look so beautiful, the variety and the colors, gorgeous!!!!


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