Thursday, May 11, 2017

Good Fences - Pastoral Scene

Welcome! - If you are here visiting for WORDLESS WEDNESDAY just click on the link.
Let's join Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD
While out on one of our drives around town we spotted these fences and sheep grazing.  I had to pull over and snap a few pictures to share.

They make such a pretty "pastoral" scene don't you think?

Have a wonderful day & don't forget to stop by Gosia's blog to check out the other participants fences.


  1. Pretty scene, my favorite is #2. And the sheeps seem so undemanding...
    Finally I'm here again for a visit, but I've enjoyed all your post by email subscription.
    Have a nice springtime

  2. Beautiful scenes! I always like to see what is behind the fence

  3. Glad you pulled over to take these pretty pastoral scenes! Sheep in spring just go together perfectly!

  4. yes to beautiful pastoral and a couple of them are 'magical' to me. love them all

  5. What a peaceful lovely scene! Reminds me of a hymn: His Sheep Am I

  6. Hi there Ida-- glad you stopped by! These are pretty pictures! Is it hot where you are?

  7. I am a few posts behind! Happy belated wedding anniversary too! Sounds like you had a real nice one!

  8. That is a really neat fence. And lots and lots of sheep. What a pretty place that is, for sure. Have a great day.

  9. I love the natural wood fences! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  10. That looks so much like the scene I see when I drive by a sheep farm not far from me. Different fence rhough

  11. There is something so peaceful about sheep grazing in a field. These photos are very nice.

  12. Very pastoral, i'd enjoy sitting and watching them and just daydreaming.

  13. Yes, the scene is lovely especially with the trees and the fence.

  14. these are great ida!! that's such a cool fence and i like how you "blurred" it in the first image!! nice captures, it's always fun to stumble upon fields of animals!!!

  15. I was looking at grazing sheep quite hard when we visited the Henry Moore house which you kindly commented on in my blog. In fact, we bought a sheep mug based on one of Moore's pictures, to remind us.

  16. Wow! ~ Gorgeous pastoral photography ~ love the sheep and wonderful fences ~ thanks,

    Happy Friday ~ ^_^

  17. These are fantastic scenes. I love the character of the wooden fence. Nice find and photos!

  18. Beautiful rural scenes, I'm glad you included them all. I really like the composition in the second.

  19. Loved these photos Ida . . .
    For sure . . .
    a beautiful pastoral scene . . .
    Great fence post too!


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