Thursday, July 20, 2017

Fences Around The World and Little Things Thursday

Summer seems to be flying by. I'll miss some parts of summer but the heat not so much.  I just can't handle it much anymore so I stay inside alot. 

I did manage to photograph a fence on my way to run some errands one day.  It's just a chain link fence (pretty boring) until you see what's on the fence.

Click to enlarge photos.

It looks like a "hodgepodge" of drift wood from this view.

But when you look at the front panel of the fence you will see this.........

                                    A SMILE GOES ALONG WAY

Have a great day & enjoy the "little" things in life that make you happy.

Linking up today to:  FENCES AROUND THE WORLD


                                   LITTLE THINGS THURSDAY


  1. I love it. when I saw the first I thought WHAT???? then it made sense....

  2. ...Ida, even the ordinary can look special.

  3. Hello Ida!:) I didn't spot it at first , but when I did, it did make me smile! How funny!:)

  4. Hello Ida! It took me a secong but then I smiled at the smile in the fence! You do find great fences!
    Have a great day!

  5. It is always so amazing how the branches can grow around the fence!
    Glad you linked up.

  6. Blessings Ids. Summer is indeed flying by. Its already the 20th. I however manage to take lots of photographs, especially Sunsets and graffiti around Toronto. I most most on my Instagram (@rhapsodyphoenix).

    Enjoy your Friday and have a blessed and joyous weekend

  7. love it!! It kind of makes me think that a person may be smiling on the outside but very sad or depressed on the inside. We never really know what's going on inside a person until we see them from the inside.

  8. That's funny! I hope it cools off for you a bit soon.

  9. I so love this....a person could do this to the side of their house!

  10. Hi Ida, came by to see how you are. I dont know why they took Gumby down.........I LIKED HIM...THOUGHT HE WAS CUTE! Looks like they painted over him. Hope you're staying cool! I only venture out late late in the evening

  11. What a great way to add interest to a chain mail fence. It would be hard to walk past and not smile.

  12. I have to admit chain link does need some dressing up! Funny how stark the difference is between the two views.

  13. Ha! Someone wants people to be happy. What a great fence find, Ida!

  14. Hi Ida, thanks so much for looking that up....I can't wait to go read what it says!!--about the hood ornaments! Hope your week is going well!

  15. Ahhh, how cute! What a great find. Kudos to you for your keen eye!

  16. Hi Ida! What a great find and photo!
    Somebody was very creative...


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