Thursday, September 7, 2017

Fences Around the World - Morning Glory Edition

Joining Gosia (Looking for Identity) for FENCES AROUND THE WORLD

Two different fences here today featuring Morning Glory growing on them.

First up the fences that borders the property between where my daughter lives and the house next door.

 She planted some moss roses and daisies but apparently somewhere a Morning Glory seed snuck in because that's what sprouted and grew.

It's growing out of an old barrel turned on it's side. 

Next from down the alley by the school.

I love the tendrils reaching up to the sky.


I think they are both so pretty & really dress up the fences.


  1. Gorgeous photos! I like both fences and of course the morning glories! But I think the dark wood is my favorite. Have an great week!

  2. Really lovely shots of the morning glories along the fences! That last photo is gorgeous!

  3. The morning glory looks so pretty on the white fence.

  4. The top photo of morning glories on a white picket fence should be on the front of Birds and Blooms magazine. Wonderful photos.

  5. you outdid yourself this time. these are each and every one just Gorgeous! can't pick a favorite, I love them all

  6. Beautiful shots Ida, I love flowers climbing on fences!

    Enjoy your day,

  7. Hi Ida, Thanks for visiting my blog.. Yes the book is good, you can read it.. :)
    Beautiful morning glory.. I love the flower, though it covers everywhere in the garden.. :)

  8. They are so Pretty and i posteD them this wEek too--LOL--we are prePAring for IRMA--scary!

  9. I love morning glories, I just wish they didn't try to take over the garden!

  10. wow nice fences Love from Poland

  11. Lovely captured over the fence and flowers! The vines truly delight over the fences and light enhances the magnificent to the morning glory.

  12. Those are both beautiful! The flowers really dress them up.

  13. What a pretty sight to see! Those morning glories are truly beautiful, and you got some great shots of the fence too. So pretty :)

  14. there is something about morning glories, they are especially special when they are wrapped around a fence!!

  15. Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers!
    Crystal clear...

  16. Lovely Morning Glory. It's one of my favourites. It grows all over the banks down by the harbour in Sant Feliu. I've not seen it in this deep cerise colour before. Ours is the deep purple variety. It looks lovely against the white picket fence.


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