Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday Fun

Welcome! - Posting today for several Memes. - Click to Enlarge Photos.


A plain board fence that caught my eye.


1.  Did some baking again recently.  This time it was Blackberry Pie Bars.
Oh so yummy!  Recipe found here on The Novice Chef.

2.  Spotted this on a recent walk

Are you in the mood for fall & Halloween Decor yet? - I'm getting there.

3.  Spotted this while out on a drive:

That's one "wild paint job!"

4.  Spotted this on another drive around town:

How cool is that! - Took a close-up and used for my 52 Frames photo for the week Unexplored.  You can see the album here:  This was the photo I used for that week:

Edited to include this shot for Orange You Glad It's Friday.

5.  I love coffee mugs of all kinds.  - I spotted an owl mug recently and had to buy it.  Then I realized that they had several different mugs so I went back and bought one for my hubby, one for my daughter, Greta & one for my granddaughter, Coleen.  They are pictured below.  See if you can figure out which one is my mug.  Make a guess....

Now if you want to know...From Left to Right - My Mug is the one on the left, then Greta's is next, Coleen's is the Red Mug and Mike's is the one on the far right.  - They make me smile!

Finally For FELINE FRIDAY - Hosted for awhile on Comedy Plus.

It's Callie-Jo taking a rest on my purse.  - By the way Callie-Jo has recovered completly from whatever ailment she had a few weeks ago.  That makes us all very happy!


  1. Callie is so pretty. I would have swooned over the owl mugs! You find the best stuff on your adventures around town: the orange bike and flower basket are great. the blackberry bars look delish. Have a great week!

  2. Lovely old fence and true quote. And: wow, these adorable mugs!
    Callie-Jo is a very unique beauty, glad, that's over (when I want here for a visit, I've seen your posts in emails).
    I remember about 52Frames as an earlier blogger-linkparty, but since it is on facebook, it doesn't working for me and they don't show me the album :(
    Have always liked to playing with...
    Enjoy your weekend

  3. What a colorful fall post. And Callie-Jo is a cutie pie.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺

  4. Great photos! That blackberry pie looks amazing!

  5. Callie - Jo is adorable! God Bless You Ida <3

  6. #1 low cal I bet
    #2 rushing things a bit
    #3 why be normal
    #4 hard to miss
    #5 great mugs, but coffee isn't my thing

  7. So glad Callie Jo is well and happy and Rich, too! Ooh, the blackberry bars make me hungry. Enjoyed your photos today. Have a great weekend.

  8. Several great pics I like - the owl mugs, the blackberry pie bars look scrumptious, and not to forget the sunflower in the header! Thanks for connecting with me, and hope you'll use one of these captures to link up to All Seasons! Have a great weekend:)

  9. Nice photos love the way she is just resting there without a care in the world LOL

    Have a resttastic weekend :-)

  10. I think I'm in LOVE!!!! Calico Joe is so darned handsome!

    The blackberry pie bar looks scrumptious [and love the jack o lantern]

  11. Love the fence and the saying too.The pictures were terrific. Callie Jo, you sure are a pretty cat. Love your colors. Great post. Have a good evening and a great week end.

  12. Lovely shots! The pie pars look so good!

  13. I would have picked Greta's mug
    I am ready to see Fall décor, but want to slow down to enjoy Thanksgiving before we hurry on to Christmas
    Have a great week-end!

  14. i guess the red one is yours but they are all so cute!!

    you sure do spot some interesting and fun sights in your town, i love the orange bike!!!

  15. oooooh and i am all decorated for fall!!!

  16. The blackberry pie bars look so good. Love the owl mugs

  17. Those cookie bars look so good and what a sweet photo of Callie-Jo.

  18. Those blackberry bars look delicious!

  19. I absolutely love all your photos, Ida! Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.

  20. Hello Ida, so nice to visit your blog again after my own absence from 'blogland' great photos...the blackberry pie bars look absolutely scrumptious!

  21. Beautiful blog you have my friend!
    it sounds as you live in really lashing area. I found you pie so inviting :)

    Fence is really elegant and pretty ,loved the quote and totally agree with it.

    i always love bikes with flower basket!

    waving huge flower and paint on truck looks interesting

  22. Yay for Callie-Jo's recovery (she has part my name!) I love your selection of photos, Ida. Glad to see you back. Bless you. Jo

  23. Interesting pictures..Love the Kitty..Dessert looks yummy..Cute coffee mugs..Have a good weekend.

  24. So many subjects, so many great photos!
    Love your cat! Is she a tortoise shell?

  25. Oops! Of course she's a tortie. Is she polydactyl?

  26. Callie-Jo looks so cute resting on your purse!

  27. I love your mugs, Ida. I was in a hotel last weekend where they kept serving weak tea in too-small cups. I'd have given anything for a nice strong teabag tea in one of your mugs.
    So glad that your beautiful kitty has made a good recovery. She's gorgeous.

  28. Love the quote on the fence and the orange bike! The Blackberry Pie Bar looks yummy! Callie-Jo is gorgeous! Glad she's feeling better!

  29. You see, I would have picked out the red one for you! I too love mugs - and sell them on Then one day I thought, why not buy them myself, as some of them have my pet's pictures on them - which I did, and they became my very favorite mugs!


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