Monday, November 20, 2017

Awww Monday & Sparks

Hello & Welcome - I'm so glad you stopped in and I hope you enjoy your visit.

First up for AWWW...MONDAYS hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus

Couldn't resist sharing this picture of Speedy G relaxing on the couch last night. - Cats can sure sleep in the weirdest positions.

Next up for SPARKS hosted by Annie at McGuffy's Reader

I received just such an act of thougtfulness & kindness this past week.  A package arrived in the mail from a good friend.  I was so not expecting anything from her and this is what I found inside the package.

It's one of her "Mixed Media" art pieces.  She does such an amazing job with her art, It's fun, colorful and whimsical. - Just for me she did a piece with a "cat" in it.  This one is titled:  Full Moon Sluething and it's just so cute.  I love it.  The picture doesn't do it justice as you can't see all the little details she adds to make her work so much fun. -  It meant a lot to me that she shared this art piece with me. 

I hope you will take time this week to do a Kindness for someone.  It can be someone you know or even someone you don't know.  It can be "random" or on purpose, just do it.  You never know who's live you will brighten by your thoughtfulness.


  1. love your treasure and what a wonderful surprise gift. awwwwwwwww fits the first photo purrfectly...

  2. Awww on Speedy. Yes they can sleep in the weirdest ways. I wish I was that agile.

    Love the Sparks. It's spot on and I think it's always better than money.

    Have a fabulous day. Happy Thanksgiving. ☺

  3. Oh to be a cat & spread out on the sofa like that!!
    I love the Full Moon painting & it's perfect for you with the cat

  4. Your kitty is so adorable. Very nice spark and such a thoughtful gift from your friend.

  5. My Bubbie cat used to sleep all contorted like that a lot...not as much any more but still does occasionally. I love your art!

  6. random acts of kindness are so fun! They tickle me...have a lovely day with your Speedy G and YES your friends art piece is so fulled with love! Cheers!

  7. how in the world could that position be comfortable??!!??

    what a beautiful act of kindness, the art is lovely. i always try to be mindful of my surroundings, so i can pass some sunshine or a smile to others!!!

  8. Your gift is beautiful, it is a real treasure!!! What a funny and cute cat picture. Yes indeed, they really can sleep in such funny positions. It is true,everyone is carrying their own burden, and we can lighten it for them. People are so good at hiding their feelings, and we never know how much they may be suffering.

  9. I love random acts of kindness. I like to do them anonymously. The goal is to make someone happy. That is the reward for me.
    Thank you for the beautiful Sparks! It is priceless! HUGS!

  10. Such a pretty and special gift from your talented friend <3 Your little kitty looks very comfy, indeed! Love the quote. xx K

  11. Aw, look at her all stretched out!

  12. Wow! That is a WONDERFUL gift! I always think a person's art is a piece of themselves... a gift to you. Just SEEING Speedy G's sleep position is making my back and neck stiff! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

  13. so cute!! cats are great for photos. i love art piece ... enjoy how there are so many details ... cat included. ( ;
    happy week for you.

  14. Your art work looks colorful and beautiful:)

  15. How wonderful is that?! I love it, and what a fantastic surprise. It feels so incredible when someone unexpectedly does something so kind for us.
    Enjoy your week Ida,

  16. Such a wonderful picture. I like it A LOT.
    Doing kindnesses for others actually turns out the other way around and the giver feels blessed too. : )

  17. Your spark is a wonderful reminder that the best things in life don't require money. Kindness, thoughtfulness and gratitude can be given on any budget! And what a kindness your friend showed by giving you a piece of her artwork. Beautiful. Now that the weather has turned cold, the only way our kitty sleeps in curled up into a ball! I hope your Thanksgiving week is beautifully blessed.


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