Monday, November 6, 2017

Sparks 5 - Is Your Soul Alive

Joining Annie  (McGuffy's Reader) today for:  SPARKS

 We all need some positive things to focus on in light of all the negativity in the world today.

Enjoy your week and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Yes, I believe this. The simple things are the most important to me. Thank you, Ida. HUGS.

  2. Love the photo and the quote. My soul is definitely alive

  3. I find that what inspires me the most is beautiful things in nature. Knowing that God created this beautiful earth and the seasons just for us.

  4. What a wonderful Spark!
    And the photo...makes me homesick for the rolling foothills of Alberta and I wish I was not surrounded by the city.
    But I still rejoice!
    Love Barb

  5. That is wonderful and inspiring quote. Nature has a way of quieting us and letting us feel our soul.

  6. Yes, we do! Thank you for the inspiration! x K

  7. Yes, I totally agree with the wisdom of that.

  8. Love. Love. Love. this quote. I am in complete agreement! blessings ~ tanna

  9. my soul is Alive because everything mentioned in this quote is true for me

  10. What a beautiful thought, and matched with such a beautiful photo.

  11. A lovely quote in which to focus upon these days. And the photo is equally lovely. There is so much sadness and negativity in the news now. It's hard to balance our desire to help with our soul's need to find respite from the chaos. Nature has a wonderful way of healing the soul so we can, once again, do battle with reality.

  12. Nice! I do try to look for the little things around me that make me smile. We joke around the house that I'm easily entertained.

  13. So true - being in nature always makes me feel better. When we moved from London to the Scottish Highlands it felt like I could breathe properly again.

  14. Beautiful! That picture should spark anyone's imagination and joy!


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