Monday, February 12, 2018

Awww Mondays and Sparks - Feb. 12, 2018

Hello & Welcome! - It's a "chilly" day here today (winter has decided to return)  and the dreaded "s" word is expected this week.  What a bummer.

Oh well, that's life.

So today let's start off by joining in on AWWW MONDAYS and SPARKS - It's been a few weeks since I've had the chance to participate and it's nice to join in on the fun today.

                                    Speedy G knows how to do this.

Now if only I could just follow this advice! - Hope you all have a relaxing week and find the answers to your questions.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a Awww cat and a lovely saying. I can so relate.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ♥

  2. Ida,

    I agree if I calm down then I can hear that little quiet voice (God) telling me what to do. However, sometimes it takes a lot for me to get to that point. :)

  3. Hello Ida! Glad to be visiting again and seeing those cute cats of yours!
    We've had lots of snow flurries but nothing staying for long thankfully so i hope you get through OK!

  4. What a sweet picture! He is beautiful. Yes, I have trouble following this advice as well. Emotions are hard to control!

  5. Awwww....Speedy is so cute. Great spark too.Have a nice week!

  6. my best thoughts come when i am inactive, when i brush my teeth or fix my face or sit in the yard and stare at nature, m brain works better when i am at rest and often answers to problems come while i sleep

  7. I like this but relaxing and waiting are two things I don't do very well

  8. Good advice, and cats are masters as doing this.

  9. Relax and wait do not always go hand in hand for me but I am working on it.

  10. Good advice- looks like the cat is in agreement

  11. This is so true! I am learning to just be quiet and wait for the answers to come rather than stressing, and they often will, even things like misplaced items! Or I will wake up with the answers I need. Our minds are always on overdrive, and it's good to learn to be still and listen. I love Speedy G's photo, cats are masters at relaxing. They seem so peaceful!

  12. All stretched out...great pic. Now, like the cat, I need to stretch out and nap..haha

  13. Ida, I love this. You really do these well, and I am so happy you are part of Sparks. Thank you!
    Valentine Hugs!
    Sparks: 19
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  14. Relaxing is often the challenging part. I wish I could be as relaxed as that cat in the picture looks - a goal for the coming weeks.
    Have a lovely day Ida.

  15. I thought I commented the other day, but I guess it didn't show up :( Your kitty is adorable and that is a great spark.

  16. Excellent quote and Awww indeed Speedy G <3 Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

  17. I have lots of problems following this advice too! Relax?? What is that? Your kitty looks like the epitome of relaxation in this shot. Hope your have a wonderful weekend. xoxo

  18. Ha ha ha, if that's not relaxed I don't know what is!


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