Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Wordless Wednesday - June 27, 2018

Welcome! Joining WORDLESS WEDNESDAY today.


        Okay so it's not totally "wordless" but it works.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday Fun

Joining in on TUESDAY FUN over on Comedy Plus

First at SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) shot:

Spotted a hubcap in the up against the street curb the other night while on a short walk.  Took this shot - Can you see me?

Let's have some fun with this photo...

Not to different, just a little boost in color. - Continuing on....

Playing around on PicMonkey with the levels and such.  Sort of Black/White abstract look to this one.

 Took it over to BeFunky for a different look.

Finally edited both on BeFunky and PicMonkey...I added a butterfly and saying to the shot.

 My how that hubcap has changed!!!

Hope you had as much fun looking at my art as I did creating it.

Enjoy your day.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Book Review - More Than Meets The Eye

Today I'm reviewing the book:  More Than Meets The Eye by Karen Witemeyer. 

Description of the book off Net Galley:


Friday, June 15, 2018

Willy-Nilly Friday and Feline Friday - June 15, 2018

Welcome everyone.  Thank You to everyone who left comments on my (MIA) post from earlier this week.

Life has been so busy the last few months, some good, some not so good but all is well.

It's time for a little Friday Fun so let's join the party.

Tom (The Backroads Traveller) is hosting WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

May flew by so quickly...lots of things going on.

The annual Ducky Derby was held on May 19th and as usual I purchased my 5 ducks in hopes that one of them would make it to the finish line and I would win a prize.  Alas, once again I did not win.  - Oh well, it's all for a good cause.
2.  Hubby celebrated a birthday the next day (May 20) so there was birthday stuff to take care of.  Here he is blowing out those birthday candles.

 3. He took a 5 day trip back to ND to watch his oldest granddaughter graduate from high school.  While he was gone I went to the Wildhorse Casino again.  Took my mom along.  We didn't win but we didn't lose all our money either. - Better than that though was that a local store had a promotion that if you bought a $5 and higher Scratch ticket and it was a losing ticket you could put it in a box and have a chance at the end of the month to win free lottery tickets.  Guess what.........

I won!  There were 3 winners drawn.  I won 2nd Prize - A packet of 50, $10 tickets. - We all had fun scratching them off and I ended up winning, $330.00 off the tickets.  I probably had put in about $50 worth of losing tickets but I gained that back plus extra and it was just a lot of fun finding out that I had won and the excitement of seeing if any of the tickets were winners was great.
4. Usually you see people walking their dogs but have you ever seen someone walking their.....

Pet Goats!
5.  I wait all year for the local strawberry season to start and so for the last couple of weeks we have been enjoying these lucious berries.

 In other news...I finally joined the ranks of Smart Phone owners.  Boy has that been a "learning curse I mean curve" for me!  I've accidentally taken "selfies", dialed my granddaughter while she was in school, called my daughter and didn't say anything because I didn't realized I had called her, hung up on an important call because I pressed a wrong button and the list goes on.


Harley wasn't feeling well yesterday and he spent most of the day sleeping, I caught this unusual pose of him while he was sleeping. 
Fond this video while searching for songs about Cellphones and just had to share it. - Hoping I don't become like this.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

MIA - Hoping to be back soon.

Yes,  I've been MIA on the blog the last couple of months.  - So much going on and so little time to post.

Hoping to get back into the swing of things now that school is out.

In the meantime something cute for you to look at....

                               Speedy G - Here's Looking At You