Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday Fun

Joining in on TUESDAY FUN over on Comedy Plus

First at SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) shot:

Spotted a hubcap in the up against the street curb the other night while on a short walk.  Took this shot - Can you see me?

Let's have some fun with this photo...

Not to different, just a little boost in color. - Continuing on....

Playing around on PicMonkey with the levels and such.  Sort of Black/White abstract look to this one.

 Took it over to BeFunky for a different look.

Finally edited both on BeFunky and PicMonkey...I added a butterfly and saying to the shot.

 My how that hubcap has changed!!!

Hope you had as much fun looking at my art as I did creating it.

Enjoy your day.


  1. How clever you and and this was fun. You're most talented.

    Have a fabulous Tuesday Fun. ♥

  2. That was fun, I like the butterfly.

  3. I did have fun and I would have done excactly the same thing you did, this many pics and this many edits.

  4. You can do wonders with photo of you know how, eVry creative.

  5. Cool, like it! :)


  6. That hubcap sure came out looking right fancy, bravo!

  7. Like those pictures and what you did with them and we do see you. You all have a great rest of the week.

  8. Very artsy pictures. I like them

  9. This was really fun, and I really like how that last shot with the butterfly turned out.

    Have a great week Ida,

  10. Yes, I can see you to the right although there's something or someone to the left as well. Fun shot, wish my hubcaps looked so shiny.

  11. Interesting - this is an aspect of blogging that I have yet to explore - thanks for sharing - some future inspiration for me!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Nice! I like experimenting with software too.

  14. Yes, I see your reflection. Must be an old car. Didn't know they made hubcaps any more! That's how the FBI catches you! Have a good rest of the week, Ida.


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