Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Book Review - Deck The Hounds

Today I am Reviewing,  Deck The Hounds by David Rosenfelt. -  This book is part of the Andy Carpenter series. - I had not previously read any of this series. 

What initially attracted me to the book was the adorable cover and the description of the book.
Plus the fact that it was set at Christmas time (one of my favorite seasons of the year) and featured a Dog in the story.  Since I'm more of a "cat" person I thought I would give dogs an equal chance to be enjoyed in a story line.

Description from Net Galley


  1. Well, it did have potential and the cover really is cute!

  2. Sounds like a very captivating read. Love the puppy cover too.

  3. Sounds like an interesting read, thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. I think I would have been disappointed by the dog not be a major part of the story line. The title and cover make you think that it would be.

  5. That cover is adorable! The story sounds sweet!


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