Thursday, November 15, 2018

Book Review - The Body In The Attic

Today I am reviewing: The Body in the Attic by Judi Lynn.

Book Description from Net Galley:



My thoughts:  Being a huge fan of the television show, Fixer Upper, I was excited about the fact that the main character of the book, Jazzi flipped houses (renovate old homes) for a living along with her cousin Jerod.

The book starts off with Jazzi and Jerod winning the bid on a place that an old family friend had owned.  In fact he had once been engaged to Jazzi's Aunt. - When Jazzi and Jerod go through the attic they discover an old trunk that turns out to contain the remains of a Skeleton, none other then that of Jazzi's Aunt who went missing 26 years ago.

The story continues as Jazzi, Jerod and their construction contractor, Ansel continue to work on the house and try to solve the mystery of her aunt's disappearance and death.  Jazzi works closely with Detective Gaff to interview people that knew her aunt and might have been involved in her murder.  Along the way they discover another body buried in the yard which adds to the suspense of the story.

Jazzi's family was a fun group of people so that made the story enjoyable.  At times it seemed a bit "choppy" in places and I felt the (romance) aspect of the story seemed a bit rushed towards the end of the book.

Overall I would give this book a 3 1/2 star rating.  It was an easy read but again places in the story seemed rushed and not totally developed so I couldn't give it a higher rating.

This is the first book in a new series by this author which I like because its easier to start a series of books then to jump in during the middle of a series.

If you are looking for major suspense and a thriller ending this book probably isn't for you. - On the other hand if you enjoy a good mystery that is fun to read give this one a try.

I received an advance e-copy of the book from Net Galley for my honest opinion and review.  I was not compensated monetarily for my review.


  1. I am the suspense and thriller type, but this story line does sound interesting.

  2. Sounds like it might be interesting.

  3. You've certainly got some stunning photography on your blog! Beautiful, colorful pictures indeed. Happy Sunday.

  4. I think the book looks good!! I may pick it up at the library this week! Hope your Thanksgiving season is going well?

  5. Sounds interesting. I love the collage on your header.

  6. Interesting that I find this today and I am from Indiana. I think I will look for this at the library this week.

  7. Ooooo...this sounds very interesting. I'm looking for a new book while I wait for someone to get me the latest John Grisham one for Christmas. This one is definitely a contender. Thanks for the review.

  8. Ooooo...this sounds very interesting. I'm looking for a new book while I wait for someone to get me the latest John Grisham one for Christmas. This one is definitely a contender. Thanks for the review.


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