Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Surviving Life

My dear friends and readers it has been a very long time since I've posted.  I wanted to update you as to what has been happening.

On September 4th my 90 year old mother fell and I had to take her to Urgent Care to be checked out.  The leg she had a knee replacement on was badly swollen and bruised.  At that time they x-rayed the leg and said nothing was broken.  They drained some fluid off it and sent her home.

A couple of days later I took her to see her regular doctor.  He said the swelling should go down and she should be up and walking in a couple of weeks.

We got Home Health to come out and start Physical Therapy on her but after several weeks she still wasn't getting any better.  The swelling had gone down but she wasn't able to stand on that leg. - In the meantime she had to be treated for another problem and eventually I ended up having to take her to the ER on the 7th of October.

It was there they discovered that she had apparently broken her hip and she ended up having surgery on the 8th.  She was in the hospital for 4 days and was then transferred to a Rehab center.

My life has been mainly taken up with hospital and now rehab visits.  I just wanted you all to know that I'm still alive, cooping as best as possible and missing all of you.

I'll be back blogging someday.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Life goes on.


  1. I am so very sorry! Thank you for the update. I will pray that she soon recovers totally!

  2. Ida - I assumed something was happening with your Mom since you had posted about caring for her. It sounds like it has been quite a journey. Glad they have figured out the problem. We will all be here when you return!

  3. So sorry to hear of all you've been going through. Your poor mom going a month with a broken hip that they didn't catch. Hope she is recooperating well.

  4. So sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she mends well!

  5. I'm so sorry about your mother. I hope she does well and gets back on her feet. Try to get some rest and take care of you.

    Have a blessed day. Big healing hug. ♥

  6. God Bless both of you! Sending POTP and love...I know how hectic and stressful this can be. Be sure to try and take care of YOU too xoxoxo

  7. so sorry about your mom, and also sorry it took so long to find it was broken. prayers for her and you and your family. thanks for letting us know what is happening.

  8. sending wishes that life "settles down" ; and prayers for your mom as you as well ....

  9. Dang, I'm sorry you are both having to deal with those things. Hugs from all of us.

  10. I will add your mother to my prayer list. That is awful that it took so long to figure out her injuries.

  11. Thank you, Ida, for letting us know about your mother and the way your time is consumed these days. I hope you manage well, and that your mom's health will stabilize. Do take care of yourself, as well.

  12. Oh dear! They should have realized that when she first went in. I'm sorry she had to suffer. Best wishes to her for full healing.

  13. hoping you and your mother are doing will and will look forward to you blogging again!

  14. Oh dear Ida...I will certainly hold you all up in prayer ♡

  15. Praying as I type that God will heal your dear mom and that you will continue in His strength as you care for her.

  16. Oh, Ida, I am so sorry to hear you are going through even more. I hope things get better for you and your mom.

  17. Oh Ida, I'm sad to hear of your mom's health issues, especially at her age. And it's not easy being the caregiver and taking responsibility for her appointments etc. That is sometimes equally exhausting. I hope she recovers and her health is restored soon. And, I hope you can find the rest you need to make sure you stay recharged. I completely understand how you feel. xoxo

  18. Oh my, Ida, I'm saddened to hear of your recent struggles. I hope your mom is on the mend and her health is restored. I can relate to those hospital visits. It's exhausting. I hope you are finding time to recharge your own batteries. xoxo

  19. awwww ida, i am so sorry to read all of this, you must be exhausted. thank you for the update and best wishes to the family!!

  20. Oh, my goodness, Ida! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's troubles! To go that long with a broken hip, undiagnosed... she must have been miserable. I hope she doesn't take too long to mend. This is not an easy thing for a woman her age. Hugs.

  21. Ida, I expect not reply. Just think of you often. I hope you can have a nice Thanksgiving.

  22. Hi Ida, Just came upon your blog. Wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and send good wishes!

  23. thinking of you and pray things ease up for you and that your Mom is on the mend


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