Saturday, October 24, 2020


 Hello everyone. - So I'm just a "tad" late for this weeks,
WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE but better late then never as they say.
1. It's Autumn (although some states are already experiencing winter) so I thought this weeks post would be all about the season.

2.  Spotted on a walk around the neighborhood today.

3.It's raining golden leaves.

4. Some little "ghosts" to frighten you.

5.  Pumpkins - Variety is the spice of life.

6.  Is it a traffic cone or a witches hat? - Spotted on the walk.

 7. Flowers before the frost we had this week. - Spotted in someone's yard.

8.  A trip to the pumpkin patch. 

Coleen, Greta and Joelle 


Sisters - Coleen and Joelle


Our own little pumpkin - Joelle.  (Yes she has "red' hair).


  1.'s hard to beat the red leaves of a maple!
    ...with each passing year I am amazed by how people decorate for Halloween.
    ...that Ginkgo sure is yellow.
    ...those sure are neat looking ghosts and they shouldn't be hard to make.
    ...pumpkins sure come in lots of colors these day! sure looks like a witch's hat!
    ...Zinnia last well into fall.
    ... what a little cutie!!!
    Thanks Ida for joining the party, you had lots of time!

  2. Joelle is beautiful! The pumpkins are so pretty, and unusual colors. Love the carpet of yellow leaves!

  3. Ida - perfect photos to reflect the spirit of the season! We have been on a road trip since October 13, and we are looking forward to returning home tomorrow. One of the first things on the agenda is to get pumpkins! (Although we did have 5 inches of snow at home yesterday!) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  4. Enjoyed all the fun pictures! Such bright and pretty colors and leaves.....I love "walking around the neighborhood" posts..they are fun to see! Hope y'all are having a great weekend and a great Fall season

  5. Excellent captures and little Joelle is adorable!

  6. I love the way tom commented on every photo... Joelle is a baby doll and I love red hair. My dad's mother had red hair and the strange thing is, none of her 7 children had red hair and one of her grands or great grands had red hair. the closest and funniest thing was, my brother had blond/brown hair but his beard came in red. love all the beautiful fall colors. it is still summer here

  7. Those leaves are so pretty and I love those little ghosts! Sweet Joelle is so pretty and that red hair is amazing! Our Dad used to have red hair...he used to have hair!

  8. Fabulous photos but the best of all is cute little Joelle in that last one

  9. Great photos. I love all things fall. Adorable baby too.

  10. decorating for halloween, it has become a big thing!!

    the yellow tree, oh so amazing!! the girls look awesome, the red hair, so unique and beautiful!!!

  11. Ida - you have captured the colors of the season perfectly. My son and I went to get our pumpkins yesterday; we opted to go to the grocery store rather than drive a long distance to the pumpkin patch. Not quite the same, but we enjoyed the time together and treated ourselves to Pumpkin Pie Blizzards at Dairy Queen!

  12. Pretty girls here! Love the golden leaves and the other shots too.


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