Monday, March 1, 2021

Fun With Peanut Butter

 Howdy! - Today's post is rather "silly" but hey that's half the fun of having a blog is being able to post whatever you want, right?

So I was fixing a peanut butter sandwich one morning and had just opened a new jar.  I pulled the little silver lid off and thought that the little "button" on the lid was cool looking so I got my camera and snapped a photo.

Now some might think it's a bit risque or obscene but I found it to be kinda cute in a weird way.  

Then I looked into the jar and saw this...

Does anyone else see an Elephant standing on a circus stand?  I tried to draw an outline of what I was seeing but I stink at using the drawing feature on the editing program.  - Tell me what you see?

So today I looked inside the jar and thought those ridges and swirls are rather neat looking so here is today's peanut butter shot.

Sort of reminds me of those pictures you see of the rocks in Arizona at Antelope Canyon  The little (7) on the side is from where someone scraped the bottom of the jar and light was shining in.

Finally I give you a Peanut Butter Worm...Which by the way my daughter thought was gross when she first saw it, she actually thought it was a real worm.

I have no clue how this happened but when I scrapped the knife off on the bread this appeared.

I don't think I could ever do that again but it does look as if I have a worm on my sandwich.  

Well that's it for today.  - Hope you have enjoyed my, fun with peanut butter post. 


  1. Fun post lol. I do see the circus elephant and unfortunately I see the worm too, it does look like a real worm - yikes!

  2. Miz Ida, I see the elly-fant! And I also think that peanut butter noms looks very Ariz-ona even though I've never been there. As for that worm... Momma sez she kinda wudda freaked out, but yeah, it looks like a worm. Purrsonally I don't like peanut butter. It always has a pill in it. Very suspicious. Love, Dori PeeEss, thank yoo for visiting my bloggy. Purrs

  3. Peanut butter art, I love it! Eck, this REALLy looks just like a worm!! I DO see the elephant, how cool!!

  4. well i have to say i have never seen any of this in my peanut butter but now i WILL be checking it out. that elephant looks like an artist did it.. i can't unsee it now.. the worm looks like someone made it... amazing. i love peanut butter and just five minutes ago had a spoon of it for afternoon snack.

  5. Yikes, that worm looks way to real to eat!

  6. LOL, I love peanut butter so I love this post. I might have to go play with my peanut butter later and see if I can make a peanut butter worm too. It really does look like a worm. I did see the elephant after you mentioned it.

  7. Nothing better than PB - but no worm please!!!

  8. Oh my word, that worm! I'm fascinated and repelled at the same time. Unfortunately, I've promised myself "no more JIF" until these last few pounds go away. It may be my favorite thing in the whole world, but I can't be trusted with portion control.

    I came by at Sandra/MadSnapper's suggestion, and so glad to have done so. Nice to meet you!

  9. Ida - what a fun post! I am glad you mentioned the elephant - I am not sure I would have seen it without the suggestion - I am much too literal! Now then, the worm required NO imagination - not sure I could have eaten "it" without spreading it around a little!

  10. How clever you are to see all these critters in your peanut butter. I'll have to look more closely at mine from now on! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. I had to look a second before I saw the elephant but then it was clear as day...and oh, boy, that does look like a peanutbutter covered worm!


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