Friday, April 29, 2022

Willy Nilly Friday Five - April 29, 2022 (Fun with Trees and Bushes)

 Hip Hip Hooray,  A new post from me!  

So today I'm posting for WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE hosted by Tom, (The Back roads Traveller)

1.  One day I was walking down the block and spotted something that looked a bit "odd"  as I got closer I realized what it was and had a real good chuckle.  -  It was a tomato bush but not your ordinary tomato bush.  Someone had a great sense of humor or just wanted to feed the birds.

2.  Next up every year this lady a few blocks away decorates her front tree with plastic Easter Eggs,  I've posted pictures of the tree before but am sharing one shot from this years tree.

They are so colorful and fun.  I noticed a lot of other people decorating their trees with eggs this year.

3.  So I went to photograph something else and spotted these little bushes and just had to share.

Aren't they funny!
4.  Out on a walk this week I spotted this on a tree, it made me smile too.

5. Finally I had some fun of my own with a photo I took of some weeds growing up through the concrete.

Here is the original photo, straight out of the camera:

 They sort of reminded me of Palm trees .  Anyway I played around on Pic Monkey and used the Warhol feature and came up with this.

So that's it for this post.  I've got more stuff to share so hopefully I can post a little more often then I have been.


  1. Beautiful. Spring is a wonderful time of year.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. Wow, your neighborhood is amazing! They have so much humor, creativity, and imagination!!

  3. ...Ida, you had me doing a double take with the first one, a burning bush with tomatoes! Easter egg trees are popular here too. The eyes on the clumps of grass is new for me. Those faces on a tree trunk I have seen too. It's a amazing to see where plants decide to grow. Thanks for stopping by, the welcome mat is always out.

  4. this is a post worth waiting for. love the palms, love the tomatoes, what a great idea and the eyeballs are hilarious. good to see you posting

  5. what a clever idea to use the tomato like that !!! the eyes on the small bushes too !!!
    I like the weeds; nice capture !!! hope all's well with the crew :)

  6. That is too funny on the tomato bush. I love the plants with the eyes. Those are so cute.

  7. The eyes on the shrubs are so funny!

  8. I love the eyes on and the tree face! And I love what you did with that photo.


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