Friday, March 3, 2023

Book Review - Daughter of Darkness by Terry Brooks

 Daughter of Darkness (Viridian Deep Book 2) by [Terry Brooks]

Today I am reviewing the book, Daughter of Darkness by, Terry Brooks.  This is the second installment of the series.  I reviewed the first book (Child of Light) HERE:  and was thrilled when I was able to get an Advanced copy of this book from Net Galley.




 I was not compensated by Net Galley or anyone else.  I received the advanced copy of the book solely for the purpose of reviewing my opinion of it.

Daughter of Darkness takes place two years after the main character, Auris has been freed from the Goblin Prison and has discovered parts of her past and is learning to live in her new world as part of the Fae creatures while still retaining parts of her human existence.

Life seems to be going quite well for her until suddenly the Goblins reappear searching for her.  Then tragedy strikes as her life partner, Harrow is attacked and she is drawn back into the world of Humans and Dragons and other creatures in an attempt to save his life before it's too late. She sets off on a epic journey with some unexpected new friends and delves deeper into her own past and history learning more about where she came from.

I was immediately drawn back into this story even though it had been a couple of years since I'd read the first book.  The characters are very interesting and the author keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen in the story right up to the end of the book.
I really enjoyed how this one introduced Dragons and other fantasy characters into the story. Lots of different twists and turns in the story to keep you vested in the characters and what fate awaits them.
If you like Fantasy and Science Fiction you will truly enjoy this book.  I kept reading until way into the night to finish this one up and can hardly wait to see if a third book comes out. 
Terry Brooks is my favorite Fantasy author and I highly recommend you read his books. 


1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever read a science fiction story. Glad to hear you enjoyed this one.


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