Monday, April 3, 2023

What is happening - Winter and Spring got mixed up!

 So this morning I woke up at 6:30 and looked out the window....It was snowing!  - What's up with that since Spring started 2 weeks ago.

We've been really fortunate to have not had a bad winter so I can't complain (to much).

Here are a few photos I took this morning.

Mike's truck in back.

 Looking down the street to the right of our house.

The bushes to the left of our house. Normally they are filled with birds.  Not this morning.

My poor daffodils look so sad and most were covered by the snow.

A Yard decoration looking a bit "under the weather."

My poor Spring flag...The seasons were mixed up.

Just some snow on branches that looked neat.

The squirrels didn't mind the snow.  This little fellow enjoyed the peanuts I left out for them.

Next's suppose to be in the 70's!


  1. Yikes. Mother Nature doesn't know it's Spring in many places. You sure took some beautiful shots. Wow.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Ida. ♥

  2. Your photo of the squirrel in the snow is stunning!! And I really love your spring flag.

  3. We had that last week. This time of year is frustrating when you think it's going to be spring finally and winter jumps back in to let you know it's not finished yet.

  4. Silly squirrels, nothing seems to bother them, like a mail man. ha ha.. I like that view down the street, lovely old houses are my THING...

  5. Hello Ida! Spring and winter are definitely mixed up! We didn't get the snow you got, although we got a few snow showers, nothing stuck. No blooms yet here either! Falling snow is so very beautiful! I trust you are doing well! Easter blessings to you!!

  6. That is a lot of snow! And your squirrel image is just adorable. Mother Nature seems confused here, as well. We didn't get snow but we got freezing rain!

  7. Oh, my goodness!! Wishing you a warm Easter. Cathy


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