Friday, August 11, 2023

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins - August 11, 2023

 Joining in today on Feline Friday - Hosted over on Messymimi's Meanderings  and Friendly Fill-Ins hosted at:

Fifteen and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs


First up my photos for Feline Friday.  Today I'm featuring a couple of pictures of our new kitten,  Maky (aka Wacky Maky).  She has really settled into life here and is such an adorably sweet kitten.

 Next up the Friendly Fill In's:

The statements are:

1. Sometimes I like ____________________ and sometimes I don’t.
2. If I had a nickel for every time _____________________  ,  I would be rich.
3. _________ is already _________, but I’m not complaining
4. I haven’t yet decided _________.

 These are my answers:

1.  Sometimes I like my kitties and sometimes I don't. - I know shocking news!  I like them most of the time but I don't like them when I'm trying to read, or e-mail or just sit and relax and they insist on getting in my face.

2.  If I had a nickel for every time those kitties got in my face,  I would be rich.

3.  Fall is already around the corner but I'm not complaining because that means the hot weather will soon end.

4. I haven't yet decided what kind of cards I'm going to make for Christmas.  I always wait till the last minute it seems.

You can always visit my card blog if you want here:  Faith Artistry if you feel so inclined.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to stop in at the blogs hosting these fun things.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Flowers in the Rain

We had our first real rain of the summer yesterday.  It was so refreshing.  - I decided to go out and shoot a few of the flowers after or rather during the rain.

 Which is your favorite? 
Thanks for stopping by. - Have a great day. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Awww Mondays - August 7, 2023 (Strawberry Girl)


Joining today for Awww Mondays.

First off - It's raining here!!! First real rain we've had all summer long.


One thing that I love about summer here is that we get the most delicious strawberries ever here.  A family named, Klicker has been growing them for many, many years and I wait patiently (sometimes not so patient) each summer to enjoy them.  

Our little Granddaughter, Joelle (affectionately known as, JoJo) has become a lover of them too.  All summer long she would ask Grandma for strawberries.  These shots are the last ones of the berries that I bought this summer.  Oh how she enjoyed them.


So long sweet strawberries, we'll be waiting for next summer!