Monday, August 7, 2023

Awww Mondays - August 7, 2023 (Strawberry Girl)


Joining today for Awww Mondays.

First off - It's raining here!!! First real rain we've had all summer long.


One thing that I love about summer here is that we get the most delicious strawberries ever here.  A family named, Klicker has been growing them for many, many years and I wait patiently (sometimes not so patient) each summer to enjoy them.  

Our little Granddaughter, Joelle (affectionately known as, JoJo) has become a lover of them too.  All summer long she would ask Grandma for strawberries.  These shots are the last ones of the berries that I bought this summer.  Oh how she enjoyed them.


So long sweet strawberries, we'll be waiting for next summer!


  1. We love strawberries too. So delicious. What a cutie pie your granddaughter is. A huge Awww.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ida. ♥

  2. Forget about the strawberries...Jojo is absolutely GORGEUS!!! What a sweet bright spirit she is!

  3. She is absolutely adorable in that last photo is the biggest awww of all

  4. That's one thing that has been consistent in Walla Walla is Klicker's growing strawberries. I'm wondering what generation of farming they are in.

  5. How adorable she is. Looks like she's really enjoying those strawberries.


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