Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tractor Fun

 My niece's husband, Daniel works on tractors and offered to give JoJo a ride in one.  She's fascinated by big trucks, farm equipment etc...
                              Here he comes with the tractor.

 Helping Jojo up inside - She started getting scared at that moment.

 A few tears were shed but mommy got in with her and that helped.

                      Now the smiles are starting to show.

                   Off they went for a little drive around the lot.


She got to steer the tractor and you can see she's having a good time.

Oh I am now.  Yes I went for a ride as well.  It was fun.

                  Being "Goofy" after the rides were over.
                Comparing the size of the kid to the size of the tire.


  1. Looks like fun. I remember when a classmate took me to visit a ranch that a grandparent or something had. I was in grade school at the time. We had fun playing on the combines.

  2. seeing her in the tire, no wonder she was a little nervous. that is one huge tractor/tire. I would love to ride in it. what fun for all of you

  3. Wow, that is HUGE!!! But what fun! I'm glad she got over her initial fright and had a good time.

  4. Aww, how exciting for Jo Jo. Love the picture of her in the tire.

  5. Sure not like the Oliver 70 I used to ride with my Dad when I was a kid - or even Uncle Ralph's big new Case Diesel ! Have fun little girl !

  6. What a cute child and fun for her to take a ride; I like the photo of her standing in the tire.


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