Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 22

 1.  Today I'm thankful for,  Photo Archives.  I took this shot a few years ago and never shared it so I was thankful to have found it and be able to share it now.

2.  I'm thankful that I managed to get shopping done today without to big of crowds.

3.  I'm thankful that I found coffee on sale!

4.  I'm thankful that I saw the guy stepping out onto the street in dark clothes/hoodie and did not hit him. 

5.  I'm thankful that I got part of Thanksgiving dinner prepared today.

Hope you all have had a good start to the holiday weekend.


  1. Always good when you can shop without too big of a crowd. Some people aren't too bright walking around in dark clothes and stepping into the street.

  2. I am thankful i saw the man in a motorized wheel chair, in the rain yesterday crossing the busy highway as i made a right turn... Happy Thanksgiving, you did a wonder post each day leading up to the big day of thanks giving.


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