Friday, November 24, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 24


Things I am thankful for today:  
1.  The Cowboys won their football game yesterday. - They were my mom's favorite team so now as a way to keep her memory alive on Thanksgiving day I watch the game and root for her team.
2.  We had a really nice meal and most of it was fixed by my daughter and her husband.  - Very little clean up - Always a plus.
3.  I was able to get all the fall decorations taken down inside and even had a little helper,  Jojo who did a surprisingly good job of helping Grandma.
4.  The outside Christmas decorations went up today.  Mike and Coleen (aka Jupiter) worked very hard at setting everything up and Adam did their yard next door.  -  Plus it was a pretty nice day albeit a bit chilly but no rain so they had good weather to work in.
5.  I'm thankful for the laughter from watch a silly but fun Hallmark movie.
6.  I'm thankful to be tired and ready for bed.  It feels good to get things accomplished.
Till tomorrow...give thanks! 


  1. Hooray Cowboys. I've tried in the past to like football. I would try and watch the game with Wade but I just couldn't get into it. I'll never be a football fan.

  2. sounds like super great thanksgiving especially someone else doing the cooking. you had the worlds cutest elf to help you take down decorations. I watched The Santa Summitt from Hallmark and it was fun, we laughed ourselve to tears last night watching an old Seinfeld show, about them losing their car in the parking garage of the mall. i laughed tears down my face. it felt good


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