Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Conversation of the day

Hi! - Today I was reading this entry on Lynn's blog titled: Little Boy Conversations and was chuckling at how fun it is to know that other people's kids/grandkids say and do funny things too.

Wouldn't you know it Coleen came up with a "Little Girl Conversation" worth sharing.

It went something like this:

"Grandma I'm trying to think of ways to be Impressive."

To which I replied, "Why do you want to be Impressive?"

"Grandma,  I want the kids at school to be impressed but I don't think Coleen is very impressive."

"Coleen, You just need to be who you are and people will like you.  Did you know that God made you just the way He wanted you to be?"

"I know, Grandma." 
"You want to know what I've been telling the kids at school?"

"Sure." (Almost afraid to ask at this point.)

"I've been telling them I'm from the Desert!"  - "They just keep looking at me really weird like!"

Note: Picture taken after she attended one of her friends (Fairy themed) birthday party last month.


  1. Ida, Thanks so much for sharing...this made me smile! I love all their conversations. I need to capture more video so I can capture their voices too!

  2. Very sweet picture, I forgot what it is like talking to the little ones. coleen is adorable in her fairy costume.


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