Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Bye Sweet Friend

In Loving Memory

Angel 1998-2011

Early this morning we made the hard choice to say good-bye to our dog, Angel.  She's been rapidly going down hill and was having a difficult time walking and getting around.  She was having "bathroom" issues on a regular basis and we knew it wouldn't be long.  late last night around 11:45 I noticed that she was no longer able to stand up and walk.  Something had happened and her back legs were paralyzed and she was just panting heavily and looked so confused.  We called the On-Call Vet and then had our daughter get Coleen up out of bed so she could come down and say good-bye to the dog. 
Coleen loved that dog and was often found playing inside her pen with her.  She'd dress her up in clothes or just lay next to her on a blanket.  Didn't matter if the dog was stinky because that was her friend.

We got Angel to give our dog, Rebel a companion after our other dog, Daisy passed away.  They were such great pals to each other and it wasn't until Rebel passed away that we learned Angel could actually "bark" - Prior to his death she just whined a lot and he'd bark for her.

We had a lot of fun with her even though we didn't often bring her into the other rooms of the house as she had a tendency to pee on the carpet and I was allergic to her. Here is a picture of her around Halloween:
She was a "patient" dog always letting us do things like put bat ears on her.

One of our favorite pictures of her was taken a few summers ago when she needed a good grooming and they decided to give her a "Lion" cut.

She was a mom to at least 3 litters of puppies.  Her third litter though were all still born and the vet told us she was messed up inside and recommended having her spayed to prevent any further damage or pregnancies.
This is her first litter of puppies.  The one in the Middle is my mom's dog (Rusty).

She was a good mother and loyal companion and a "Dork" dog as we often called her.  This was because if you tried tossing her something to eat instead of trying to catch it she would duck and get conked in the head most of the time so we said she was "dorky" but she was lovable and she will be missed.

Our cat, Harley developed a fondness for Angel and was often seen sitting next to her in the pen or fuzzing up against her when she'd come in from outside.  It was really cute to watch them together.

She's now crossed that Rainbow bridge and I'm sure is enjoying a romp with her faithful companion and friend, Rebel.

Rest in Peace sweet Angel - Forever in our hearts.


  1. Ida, I'm so sorry about your loss. Angel was very much a beloved member of your family. BIG HUGS to you!!!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss, Ida...
    Big Hugs to you!

  3. I'm sorry Ida. What a beautiful tribute.

  4. Ida: Sorry to hear about your sweet Angel! It's always so difficult to lose a pet and especially having to make a decision like you did. Big hugs to you!

  5. Oh Ida, such a hard thing to face. Anyone who has lost a beloved pet can relate. I still miss my pug Tiger..Sending you hugs. Sue K

  6. My thoughts are with you. A wonderful tribute to your sweet Angel.

  7. it was sad reading your story ida-sorry for your loss

  8. I'm so sorry, Ida. My heart breaks for you. Angel was a very special girl and a well loved member of the family. I know you'll miss her.

  9. Ida,

    So sorry to hear about your loss! I know how difficult it is to lose such a dear companion and I'm crying along with you, my friend!

    Big Hug!

  10. What a wonderful tribute to your baby, Angel. I am so sorry for your loss, just reading your story brought tears to my eyes. I have a ten year old Malamute mix, Ginger and I just bought her a companion to "keep her young" (we got a St. Bernard puppy) and to keep her company. I've never lost a pet before but I worry every day about how much longer I have with Ginger. She is truly a special dog, just as your Angel was. Our pets become such a big part of us and our lives, I'm sending HUGE HUGS your way in hopes that it brings just a little comfort to you and your family.

  11. Ah Ida, I'm so sorry for your loss. They sure do worm their way into our hearts, don't they?

    Sending hugs!


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