Thursday, September 22, 2011

Photo Art Friday - Week 3

Week in review:  Most of this week has been pretty unproductive.  Came down with an infection of some sort that went into my lungs.  Not good...Had to go on Antibiotics and Prednisone.  Still coughing but not as bad.  Lost a lot of sleep at night so had to sleep during the day when I could so that's why nothing much was accomplished.

Okay now on to today's Photo Art Friday photo. In case you don't know about this please check out Bonnie's Blog: Pixel Dust Photo Art.  Every week you can upload a photo that you would consider a piece of "Art" - It can come straight from your camera or you can do any type of editing to the photo that you want and then post your photo on Thursday night 7:00 pm EST through Sunday 7:00 pm EST. - It's a lot of fun and there are some really fabulous photo's to enjoy so be sure to check it out.

Today I am sharing this photo:

The before photo will be shown below.
I first edited the photo using a program called, Paint Net.

It's a FREE program you can download from here:

I used the Ink Sketch feature with the ink outline at 48 and the coloring at 68.  Then I saved the photo and opened it again with Picnik - Now this is a FUN place to start editing photo's.  Especially if you know nothing about photo editing or don't own the Photo Shop program.
I upgraded to the Premium addition so I could do more stuff with my photos.
For this one I added some texture (rain drops) and then added text.  I really like how it turned out.
Here is the original photo.  The only editing on this was just the "auto" adjust in the Microsoft photo editing program.

These two "mating" bugs landed on my Azalea bush and I used the Macro setting on my camera to capture them.  I believe they are what is referred to as a Mosquito hawk  (which I've now learned from googling) that they are actually Crane Flies (and don't eat mosquito's at all).

Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to keep that camera with you as you never know what you may discover and want to preserve.

Here is the link to the Photo Art Friday post.


  1. Very nice processing and thanks for sharing the intructions.

  2. Hope you'll soon be feeling back to normal . . . .and what lovely work you have produced even though you were under par. Such beautiful editing.Teresa x

  3. Great colors in the originals. Looks gorgeous with the edit.

  4. Delicious texture with water droplets. I love the light they give off those pretty colors. Very nice.

  5. i must go and try this out - it looks gorgeous!

  6. Great work, Ida.

    I use Picnik and Pixlr for most of my editing -- I don't have PS either. Not in the budget. :)

  7. I love the colors of the photos. Very calm and soothing. They override the normal reaction to looking at photos of critters. :) Great work.

  8. This is a really gorgeous edit - love the raindrops!

  9. Wow! Love what you have accomplished processing an already great photo. Thank you for the recipe of your work and for the links. So glad you are sharing with Photo Art Friday!

  10. so pretty... nice work!

    you asked about my thumbnail... I had a different picture posted, but decided I didn't want to post it, so I switched. =)

  11. Lovely color and texture! My cats love to chase those crane flies when one happens to get in the house.

  12. I hope you're feeling much better soon.
    I love your edit...very soft, like a watercolor.
    Have a good weekend.

  13. I like the 'raindrops' effect, turned out well. Hope you are feeling better!

  14. This is a beautiful edit Ida!
    I sure hope you are beginning to feel better.
    Sending you wishes for a wonderful weekend.

  15. Very nice post-processing.

    Regards and best wishes

  16. Look a little bit painting. Pretty artwork :)

  17. Gorgeous work!

    Ps: The kitty is my daughter's :)

  18. I love what you did with photo. You did a great job.
    Font for the words is a good pick.


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