Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sweet Shot Tuesday

Well my appetite for photography is growing...I found another new (to me) blog today.
It's called, Sweet Shot Tuesday.  So I thought I'd give it a try.  I've been taking lots of pictures lately.  This past weekend my granddaughter, Coleen and I walked around the block taking pictures and we happened upon this sweet little kitty and just had to stop and take some photo's.  We are "cat lovers" at our house, being owned by 6 of them and even feed neighborhood cats/strays. 

Isn't this kitty gorgeous!
Coleen is calling it, "Green Eyes".  Here is another photo that we took.

Sweet Shot Tuesday is going on "hiatus" after this week until
Nov. 1st. - But do check out the website as they are going to be doing a special series, October's 31 Days of Photo Tips.  - I'm going to be checking them out for sure.

For those interested I use a Canon Power Shot A1100 IS.
Nothing super fancy but I like the way these photo's turned out.

Other news of interest (or not)... Today's bowling scores: 137, 168, 160.  A lot better then last week.  I'm feeling much better.  The breathing is still a little labored but I've got a few more days of the Prednisone to see if it clears up or it's back to the doctor again.


  1. not such a cat lover myself... but I do love the green eyes shot! beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful cat!! Great shots...

  3. Glad you are feeling better, Ida. I passed on the bowling league this year as my back problems continue to give me issues. Great scores!

  4. What fun family memories for you and your grandchild. A lovely treat for all :)

  5. My daughter is dying to get a kitty for Christmas :) She just might get her wish :) She's love these photos XOLaura

  6. Ahhh, what pretty colors on the kitty.

  7. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    I hope that you are feeling better soon. It is great fun to go exploring in the neighbourhood with the camera, isn't it? And the cat seemed to have posed so nicely for you. He is quite a handsome cat.

  8. love the first image of green eyes. the composition really makes it a great shot. Darcy has amazing 31 days series. You ought to check the archives for last year's.

  9. Those are indeed sweet shots of the kitten!

  10. I'm a cat lover too! These shots of Green Eyes are beautiful!


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