Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days of Reflections - Day 18

Welcome! - I'm heading off to the Bowling Alley shortly and as I was thinking about what "musical" Reflection I wanted to share today the song, Come On Get Happy by the Partridge Family popped into my head.

Lately my bowling has been awful.  Last week (shhh don't tell anyone) my scores were, 123-121-121  and I was not a Happy Camper so I'm hoping today will be better.

I thought this little Candy Corn Candle would bring a smile to your face if you are here viewing and reading this post.
Have a great day and Smile!


  1. Great. i love This song. Thanks for visiting.If you have a time please follow my blog, http://wwwmysrilanka.blogspot.com

  2. That's a cute looking candle. I see some very beautiful photos in your blog. Am following. Thank you for your caption contribution.


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