Monday, October 17, 2011

Macro Monday and 31 Days of Reflection

Good Day! - It's Monday and that means it's also time to post for Macro Monday on Lisa's blog.  I've been taking a lot of Macro Shots lately so the hard part for me is trying to decide which one to use.

I was out at my husband's workshop this weekend and of course I had my camera along (hey you never know what might be waiting for you to snap a picture) I walked outside and saw these Thistle Plants and knew right away that I had to take a picture of them. 

Then I decided to get up close and personal (not to personal though as those things have nasty thorns) and took a Macro Shot of one of the thistle heads.

Lastly I've been playing around and trying to learn how to use textures etc...on photo's so I thought I'd include a this shot editing in Gimp using a new Free texture from Bonnie at Pixel Dust Studio. This one is called, Happy Day.

I'm not totally sure of all that I did with the texture to get this next photo.  I'm still learning and need to write these things down as I go along.  So for now you'll just have to take the photo as is since I didn't write down the formula on how I did the edit.

In keeping with my 31 Days of "musical" Reflection today I have chosen a song by Carly Simon,  Anticipation.  I like this song and it's really true that "We Can Never Know about the Days to Come, But we Think
About Them Anyway."  I find myself looking ahead to so many different things or thinking about all the things that I want to accomplish and learn and sometimes it's just overwhelming.  So for today I'm just taking it one step at a time and trust that no matter what God will see me through whatever comes my way.

                                                                                Have a great week. - Ida 


  1. Dried thistles look very interesting and your texture is great too!

  2. you have done a great job with the processing ...

  3. Congratulations on your textured photo. It turned out really nice! :)

  4. You did a great job on all your photos and textures. I am always learning new things too. I totally understand taking your camera everywhere!

  5. I have to try out the texture. I love to find the beauty in something that might considered to be stark. Love those..I wanted to say something about my post about monarchs. There will always be a population of monarchs in the southern US, but the migration to the northern areas really is in danger. I've tried over the last few years to plant milkweed as it would be a shame not to see this magical butterfly...Michelle

  6. I like your macro of the thistle--well done. I also love Carly Simon and Anticipation. One day at a time--the best way to make it through life! Have a great week, Ida. Mickie :)

  7. So cool. Great shots. Love that second one.

  8. Very cool photos! I love the macro.

  9. Wonderful details in the image of the thistle.

    Happy MM

  10. Nice work with the textures... they came out great!

  11. That's quite some spiky seed head! Like your second photo.

  12. Good macros and nice job with the texture!

  13. Great series of photos, nice texture work as well.

  14. Nice pictures. I love those dry thistles, delicious texture. Greetings.

  15. A beautiful macro of the thistle, Ida.
    Up close we can really see the beauty in the drying process of nature.


  16. Wow Ida, that is a great shot! Very interesting processing. I like it.

  17. That is a great shot Ida! Very interesting processing. I like it!

  18. Great macro of the thistle. I like your texture work very much.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. The dried thistle is lovely and the yextue adds an interesting dimension.


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