Saturday, October 15, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday and 31 Days of Reflection-Day16

Hello and Welcome. - This is my first time participating in Scavenger Hunt Sunday

 over on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photo's.  This is a really interesting and fun challenge.  Each week you are give 5 different themes/words that you are then to take photographs of and share back with a link. 
This week the words were:  Abstract, Round, Fire, Seeing Faces in Strange Places, and Stars.  - Everyone does their own interpretation of the themes.

Here are my photo's.

First up,  Abstract
This is actually a Macro shot of a portion of an Abstract Paperweight that my husband bought me several years ago.  I really love all the different colors and patterns in the paperweight and thought it was just ideal for this challenge.

Next up, Round  - I took this picture out at the local Pumpkin Patch this week.  I'm not sure what these wheels originally belonged on but I rather like the way they look in this shot.
I have this really fun candle holder that has black ghosts and  cauldron.  The holder casts ghost shadows on the wall which is really cool.

Seeing Faces in Strange Places:  This one was a bit of a challenge and I did use a photo that I took a couple of weeks ago.  I'm not sure if it qualifies as faces in strange places or strange faces as you will see in the photo. 
Normally they are not all on the bed at one time.  I happened to open the door to go to bed and saw them all laying on the bed so I quickly shut the door, ran and got the camera, opened the door and "snapped" quickly.  This is the result.  Don't their eyes look awesome!


For this photo I decided to get a little creative.  I took a Glass Drinking Jug that had stars on it, I photographed it outside and then cropped and added texture to the photo.  The texture is, Medieval Magic which is a free texture offered by Bonnie over at Pixel Dust Photo Art.

In keeping with my 31 Days of "musical" Reflection today I am sharing,
For the Beauty of the Earth - This video has some gorgeous photo's as well so be sure to watch as you listen.  Enjoy.


  1. Hey! This is my 12th week of Scavenger Hunt...warning: It becomes an obsession :). I love the eye on your cats and how you captured them!


  2. I love the colors in your first image and the fire shot is fantastic.

  3. Welcome to Scavenger Hunt is addicting. Your photos are all great...and your cats are cuties.

  4. Welcome to the hunt! I love your abstract and fire shots!

  5. awesome love your abstract....

  6. Nicely done - your cats really took over didn't they?!

  7. Such cool images! love all the shiny cats eyes!
    thanks for stopping by my blog. see you real soon :)

  8. the abstract photo is stunning - - and I love the round interpretation!

  9. Nice photos! I really like the abstract.

  10. love the abstract shot!

  11. I love your abstract and fire shots.

  12. Hi there - back in the UK we called the liitle reflective lights in the road "cats eyes" - you can see why!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  13. Wow, excellent photo work. I love the colors in your paper weight and the angle of the shot. Those antique wheels make a pretty shot. I absolutely love that candle, fire and shadow on the wall, that is awesome. In regards to that adorable cat scene, where do you and your husband sleep? Cute picture. Love the abstract stars and grass scene. Love your photo work.

  14. Love the faces in strange places photo! Also really like the wagon wheels photo.


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