Monday, November 28, 2011

Macro Monday - November 28

Hello and Welcome! - Wow it's been a few days since I've posted.  I want to apologize to anyone who has visited my blog and left a comment if I have not gotten around to visiting your blog and commenting back.  With the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US and my Granddaughter being home from school and my mom having to go in for doctor's appointments I just have not had the time nor the energy to comment on every one's blogs.  I try my best to leave comments on your blogs but if I don't it's not because I don't like your work but more because I just don't have enough time to get it all done.

Okay with that said it's Macro Monday on Lisa's Chaos and let me just say I popped by there quickly this morning and you are going to be blown away by her photo's.

This week I'm sharing 2 photo's because I couldn't decide which one I like the best.
The first is a bit of an "out of the box" type photo for me.  I took this one out at my Husband's Shop the other day.  It's sort of a fun and whimsical photo (imho).

He's working on a big computer desk project and these wood shavings were on one of his tables.  Don't you just love the way they curl up in little corkscrew shapes.

Next up is a picture of what I believe are Apples or some type of fruit/berry that I saw on a tree one night as I was driving to the store.  I liked the yellow color of the fruit, that's what caught my eye since most berries on trees are either red or orange in the fall it was surprising to see the yellow color.

So that's it for me today.  I am trying hard to work on getting a few Christmas cards made this week and then start getting them ready to be mailed.

Be sure to pop by Lisa's blog and see all the great entries for this fun challenge.


  1. I like the wood shavings except they remind me that I have projects waiting for me.

  2. wonderful macros Ida! I especially love the curl of the wood shavings.

  3. Very nice shots! I especially liked the wood shavings.

  4. really cool shots! love the last picture...thanks for dropping by at!

  5. Wonderful details of the yellow berries.

    Happy MM

  6. Both photos are excellent, but the first is my favorite. I do a little woodworking, and never would have thought of photographing the wood shavings. Cool idea!

  7. I like both your macro shots! So different and so great!

  8. Hi there - I can see why you did not know which one to post.

    I wonder what the wood picture would be like in B/W - I think it would look good.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  9. Wood shavings and pencil shavings, I love them both.

  10. Beautiful photos macros, pretty colors ... I really like the first. Happy Tuesday.

  11. I love both shots
    the first one is fun and whimsical, it's as though the wood shavings are having a party :)

  12. I don't think I have ever seen yellow crabapples. Very pretty! Love the wood curls!

  13. Great photos, Ida. Love the curly wood shavings -- is the computer desk for you?

    Not sure what type of fruit that is, but it sure is pretty.

  14. Hi, thanks for your comment on my post :)
    I love the way the wood shavings curl and your have captures them well. Hope life slows down for you a wee bit.

  15. They are both very nice and very different. I too sometimes have not enough time to answer all comments. Real time also takes time, lol !

  16. Wow! You are doing an amazing job, Ida! Really - you have such an atistic soul! Love your pictures!

  17. Hi Ida, I have to tell you that I just love how you have your own drum, you beat it to your own personal rhythm, and then you march on. I truly love that about you, it just shines on through your blog here, and your photos. I think to myself " how many people would notice the curling wood scraps that lay on the table in the aftermath of the chisel"? and how many of those would photograph that uncommon beauty? I suspect the number would be few. you have a wonderful view of the world and I'm blessed that you're sharing it. happy day to you Ida. (and I love the yellow berries too and for the life of me, I don't know their name, and I'm a master gardener. just goes to show you, there's very little to a title, no?)

  18. Love the second picture!!
    - Cheers Gisela
    Toronto, Canada

  19. Good thing you posted both since both are terrific! I do love the whimsical corkscrews-- seems like there ought to a good use for scraps like that.

  20. I love how you processed the angel photo; it's perfect.
    The yellow fruit?
    I, too, took photos this week of a small yellow fruit.
    Mine were at ground level on a vine.
    Yours seem to be on a tree.
    Small yellow apples?

  21. great macro shots! the first one is cool :)


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