Monday, November 21, 2011

Macro Monday - November 21

Hello & Welcome. - Hope the start of the new week is a good one for everyone.

It's time to join Lisa (Lisa's Chaos) for Macro Monday.
I just love seeing the world up close through the use of a Macro Lens.  The detail is often astounding.

Just the other day I went in to get my Allergy Shot (I'm allergic to cats) - Yes I know we have 6 of them living with us.  Call me "Crazy" but I can't resist them.  - Okay now back on track here ("Focus Girl - Go get another cup of coffee and get on with the task at hand.")

As I was saying when I went to get my Allergy Shot I happened to have my camera along (imagine that) and as Coleen and I were coming out of the Clinic we stopped to look at the little fountain/garden area at the entrance of the building.  There were still some flowers blooming and I decided to take some Macro Shots of them.  Here are my results SOOC except for resizing.

I love the delicate lacy look of these flowers.  They do seem a bit "pale" in color so as a bit of fun I uploaded the first picture to Picnik and gave it a bit of a color boost with the Orton-ish feature:

Ahh...Sunshine on a gloomy November Day!

Have a great week.  Don't forget to stop by and check out the other entries.  It's always amazing to see what everyone has come up with.


  1. I'm not sure what these are, but we have the same or similar late blooming little beauties around here. The give a burst of spring color in the fall.

  2. What lovely details you've captured Ida . . . beautiful, Teresa x

  3. Lovely details of these tiny flowers. And I like your Orton edit!

  4. These yarrow are lovely, Ida. And the Orton effect just made them pop. Well done, dear. :)

  5. Love what the boost did for your shot... definitely some lovely lil' flowers!! =)

  6. Oh it's amazing what a 'boost' will do. These flowers are fabulous and it's such an awesome photo!

  7. Wow! Your pictures are amazing! You are a very talented photographer!

  8. What a great macro. This is a new flower to me, very pretty.

  9. very nice macros...wonder wat they are called!

    My Third Eye

  10. Really pretty! Is it yellow yarrow?

  11. Hi there - they are very nice shots - the flowers to have great detail.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  12. Beautiful pictures, lovely flowers, I like the light they give off.

  13. you have beautiful macros it..thanks for the visit.

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    See The World
    Travel Euroasia
    Europe Travel Pad


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