Sunday, November 20, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday-November 20

Hi! - Welcome back.  It's been a fairly quiet week here (whew!) - My mom's been doing well this week which makes me feel a lot less stressed.  So I had some time this week to play around and capture some photo's for this weeks, Scavenger Hunt Sunday
This weeks prompts were:  Mainly One Color, Around the Home,
Reflection, Writing and Water.

So here is what I came up with. 

Mainly One Color:
Once again I've captured one of the many squirrels that come to the feeder out back to eat peanuts everyday.  This little guy just sat there eating his peanut while I snapped away.  So cute!

Next up is, Around the house:  This is a pretty typical scene around our house on a daily basis.  You can always find one of them somewhere in this position.
My next two photo's have been editing using techniques on Picnik

Reflection: I wanted to do something different other then a picture of a reflection in water since (water) is also one of this weeks prompts.  I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do and then an idea came to me.  I must admit I actually took my camera with me in hopes of finding something just like this to photograph.  I also had my "model" with me as well since she so enjoys visiting the local Fabric/Craft Store.
This is my Granddaughter, Coleen looking at a Christmas ornament and her reflection in another ornament.

Writing:  This one was tougher but after some thought I went and got my old "memories" box out and found a letter that my mom & dad had both written to me while I was away at Bible College many years ago.  This letter was extra special because my mom always wrote me while I was there but my dad wasn't much of a letter writer so gettting a letter from both of them was very special.   I decided to give it a bit of a "vintage" feel since the letter is almost 40 years old. I added a Postage stamp frame around it keeping with the theme of writing/letters.

Lastly,  Water: This is a bit different because I decided to capture the stream of water running from one of our drain pipes into my flower bed.  I like the simplicity of this photo.
Hope you have enjoyed this little photo journey.

Be sure to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other links as I'm sure you'll be delighted by visiting others blogs and seeing their interpretations of these prompts.

To all my US followers I wish you all a very warm, safe and Happy Thanksgiving this week.

To everyone else may you have a great week.

Peace and Love


  1. Nicely done... love,love the reflection shot they are all great. Glad to hear your mom is doing better.

  2. I think you did a fantastic job finding creative ways to match with the prompts. I love the reflection shot. Just beautiful.

  3. Nice set!

    That reflection photo is really beautiful.

  4. A great set, love the one of your granddaughter, very pretty.

  5. Beautiful captures! Love that squirrel, and the water photo is beautiful :)

  6. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    Hi Ida, Nice photographs! The cat and the image of your granddaughter are my favourites.

  7. Great job on your scavenger hunt. I really enjoyed it.

    I just noticed all of your kitties in your side bar. I LOVE them!

  8. These are beautiful shots..the reflection one in particular is so interesting.

  9. Thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog!

    I just love the cat and the reflection.


  10. Ida, I love that shot of the squirrel, and I am a bit jealous! :)Your sleeping cat is wonderful, as are the other cats on your sidebar. I especially am fond of the one in the box and in the sink. Very creative with your reflection! Perfect.

  11. Nice shots - love the picture of your cat!

  12. Very nice set! I love the creativity and composition of your reflection shot. My daughter loves the squirrel and the cat is very cute!

  13. OMG what a great collection of shots! The one of your granddaughter is priceless! Clever and well done; great job. Thanks for welcoming me to the 'hunt'; I look forward to participating again.....

  14. Your writing is beautiful. Looks very vintage-y

  15. Love that squirrel and reflection. Have a nice day!

  16. I love the reflection shot...that would make a lovely keepsake photo. The kitty and squirrel photos are so cute.

  17. Love how you interpreted the prompts, Ida. The photo of your granddaughter is precious. :)

  18. Hello Ida, I love each and every one of your scavenger hunt photos, your interpretations were out of the ordinary and very creative. I love the kitty photo, I think that's my favorite. the way the light hits her fur is so beautiful. I really like writing too, and your granddaughter is gorgeous - I love the look in her eye. thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello, I truly appreciate it. happy week to you Ida. I just love your name.

  19. Love you refection shot, great catch!

  20. These photos are so beautiful, and a very creative way for the scavenger hunt. I used to get daily visits from my neighbor's ginger cat, but she passed away a year ago. Your picture reminded me of her a lot.

  21. Great collection. I like the water shot and the reflection shot.

  22. The photo of the cat is beautiful, wonderful colors, transmits great tranquility.


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