Monday, January 23, 2012

Macro Monday 1-23-12 Frozen in Ice

Happy Monday! - I missed last week for Macro Monday so I thought I'd join in this week.

Due to the icy conditions outside the past few days I haven't really been out much so I wasn't sure I'd have anything to share.

I did manage to get out on Saturday and took a few photos outside around the house.  I'm sharing one that I took of a rose branch in my mom's flower bed.

 This was the side view and below was a view from the back where you can see one of the leaves encased in the ice.


  1. I know that these ice storms are so dangerous and destructive but they certainly make such things such interesting subjects to photograph.

  2. Hi Ida! You don't have a link with your name anymore...nor is it possible to reply to your comments that come in my e-mail. Did you change something? We heard about your ice storm across the mountains; we didn't have it. We had heavy snow and then heavy rain and that was it. I'm so worried about the new shrubs and trees I put out last fall.

  3. Wow. Those are some amazing icicles!

    Happy Macro Monday

  4. Ice shots are pretty but sure makes me cold and reminds me of power outages-- hope we don't have any this year. Stay warm.

    Thanks for the MYM visit.

  5. Amazing shots. I'm guessing you must have had a lot of freeze / thaw to get the branches and leaves encrusted like this.

  6. To wygląda niesamowicie, liść w lodzie szczególnie :-). Pozdrawiam. *** It looks amazing, especially leaf in the ice :-). Yours

  7. I love how the ice encased the leaf but I also like those thorns surrounded by ice!
    We haven't seen anything this cold yet so far this winter. I miss taking winter photos. :)
    Thanks for your visit!

  8. Wow, that is so pretty. I love ice covered twigs and leaves. Don't like driving in it though or the mess it can make of trees.

  9. Nice photos. I love those ice shapes, beautiful colors, great! Regards.

  10. Hi there - not much chance of us ever having an ice storm. Dust storm is more likely!

    Nice images.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  11. Excellent shots!

  12. While ice storms are really nasty, they leave some amazing beauty behind, it guess it's Mother Nature's consolation prize.

  13. I agree with leavesnbloom -- ice storms are a scary event, but the resulting images can be spectacular -- like yours! Great work, Ida. :)

  14. Great shots,I love how icicles make great shapes :)

  15. Interesting shapes of the ice. Great capture. :)

  16. Verkligen läckert. Tack för din kommentar. Anita

  17. wow! really stunning shots....:) thanks for dropping by my macro at

  18. Beautiful pictures, I've never seen ice like that and I've never had a leaf-cycle. Awesome shots.


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