Sunday, January 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - January 22

It's time for:

Oh my gosh it's been a BUSY week here.  Monday was a holiday so Coleen was home from school.  Tuesday she wasn't feeling well so she stayed home from school.  We had Bowling League so she had to go with us to the Bowling Alley.  She was home from School again on Wednesday which happened to be my mom's 83rd Birthday.  Wouldn't you know it...It snowed on Wednesday and the roads were nasty.  Had to bake a cake, do some shopping etc...but the family all made it over for the birthday celebration.  Thursday school was canceled due to freezing rain making the roads way to treacherous to be out on.  Thursday also happened to be Coleen's Birthday.  She turned 7.  We had a little party for her that evening.  Then yesterday was her "kids" birthday party.  She had 4 little friends over.  So where is all this leading...Well I didn't have much time for the
"Prompts" for Scavenger Hunt Sunday so I've combined 2 of the prompts and also used an Archives photo but at least I'm posting.  So without further ado let's get started.

This weeks prompts were:  Sunset, Black and White, A Day in My Life, Four (suggested series of 4 photos) and Colorful.

Sunset:  This one is from the Archives as there haven't been to many sunsets lately with the overcast, stormy skies of late.  I took this one back in November 2011 looking down our driveway towards the back neighbors.
Black and White:  These are my Granddaughter, Coleen's pet Rats (which now reside in our basement)  They are of course, Black and White rats but I took the photo in BW as well and I like how it turned out.  Meet, Cheesy and Wheezy:
A Day in my Life and Four have been combined.  I was a bit "stumped" about what I could use for the (Day in my Life) prompt.  I'm home most of the day and spend a lot of time on the computer but my craft/office space is a disaster right now so I really didn't want you all to see what a mess the room is.  So I'm sharing photo's from Coleen's birthday party yesterday which was part of a day in my life since she lives with us and is a big part of my life.  I've also shared 4 photo's from her party for the number 4 prompt.

Lastly:  Colorful:  These are the "Goodie Bags" that Greta fixed for Coleen to give to her little friends as a thank you for coming to her party.  I think they are pretty colorful.

Next weeks prompts are:  Smile, Stand Alone, Rusty or Something Old, Artificial, and Repeating Pattern. 

Wow I could not believe how many people participated last week.  Over 150!
Needless to say I did not get around to every one's blogs to comment.  But all the entries were great and I can't wait to start viewing this weeks entries.


  1. Great pictures. I love sunset and sunrise pictures so of course I have to comment on yours! It is absolutely beautiful! Super Job!

  2. Nicely done combining 4 and day in my life prompts. I love the colourful goody bags.

  3. Love the birthday pics, and yes they are very colorful, how fun!

  4. Ida,

    What a wonderful set of pics for the 4 prompt. The colors are so very vivid in your photos. The bag of treats at the end is perfect for the prompt. I am so glad you participated this week. Missed you last week when the prompts were so cold and you were not.


  5. Great captures - love your sunset.

  6. What fun photos! My 5 year old is looking at pictures with me, and of course out of all the photos we've looked at, the rats are his favorite! lol.
    Mine is the sunset. Beautiful colors in that one! =)

  7. Great sunset. Colorful is just great thanks for the visit.

  8. I really like your goodie bags, very colorful!!
    I also like your B&W!

  9. The Black and white is nicely done...though I am not a fan of rats. Great shots of the birthday! Nice set!

  10. Hi there - I have just returned from the wild, woolly and less that wonderful world of wireless only internet - so now I'm catching up.

    I have to say that I like the rodents! Nice subject for black and white.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  11. Awww, love the shots of your granddaughter and her friends. How fun and the goodie bags are so pretty! :)

  12. Beautiful colors of your sunset. Reminds me of sherbert.


  13. Wow, lots of color, and I know what you mean about has to be out there early to get a good shot. Fun for the girls, too.

  14. I just don't do well with themes, usually. In fact, two of my favorite challenges have gone by the wayside because of the theme requirement. You've done a great job with this scavenger hunt.

  15. Nice pictures, beautiful frames, I like the joy of children.


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