Monday, January 30, 2012

Macro Monday - Flowering Bush

Welcome! - It's Monday and time for another great round of Macro Monday photos.
You can find all the links here on Lisa's Blog.

I'm a little late getting my post up because I couldn't decide which photo I wanted to use.  I took a walk on Saturday with my little Granddaughter, Coleen and naturally took a lot of photo's.  Some were Macro and some were not.  We had a good time and discovered some things we hadn't seen before (see post below).

I finally settled on this lovely photo of a flowering bush on the college campus.  I'm not totally sure what type of a bush it is but I believe it is a type of flowering Heather.  At any rate it was so pretty and a nice spot of color which was refreshing since it's still winter here.



  1. I do not have a clue what it is, but I know for sure it is one beautiful flower. Now only is it delicate, it’s colors are gorgeous. What a great find for a macro shot. genie

  2. Beautiful colors and bokeh!

    Happy MM

  3. Amazing colors in this photo. Wonderful macro!

  4. That's beautiful ! Looking at flowers in the middle of a rainy grey winter does good !

  5. Hi there – that’s a very nice picture. Is it some form of heather?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  6. Both the flowers and the foliage are wonderful in colour.

  7. you know, same with me,having a hard time to remember all the name of flowers..btw. thanks for your visits in my blog.

  8. Wow, that is a beautiful color, especially in winter. Love it!

  9. What a beautiful flower-- and what a pretty color to be seeing...especially this time of year! Great capture!

  10. really beautiful!
    thanks for dropping by my MM entry

  11. Very pretty! It does look like a heather. I love the color.


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