Saturday, January 28, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - January 29, 2012

Well here we are once again at the start of a new week and it's time once again for,
Scavenger Hunt Sunday    on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photo's.  This is always such a fun challenge.  Each week you are given 5 "Prompts" and the object is to take photo's during the week relating to each of the prompts and then post them.  You can use (Archived) photo's if you get stumped but hopefully that doesn't happen.

This weeks prompts were:
Smile, Stand Alone, Rusty or Old, Artificial and Repeating Pattern.  So are you ready to go on the hunt with me?  Then let's get started:

I tried earlier in the week to do a "photo session" with Coleen to get a picture of her smiling.  Let's just say none of those photo's were very successful.  Today however she was outside on my mom's porch and picked up the cat we've dubbed, "Piglet" and I snapped this sweet photo of the two of them.  Look at that natural smile, ah beautiful!

Stand Alone:
I live in a town called, Walla Walla and this is a statue of one of the Indian Chiefs of the Walla Walla Tribe,  His name was, PeoPeoMoxMox-Yellow Bird pronounced: (Pew, Pew, Mox Mox) - Try not to laugh. You can read about him here: 
While some say this statue is not a true rendering of how he actually looked I rather like it. 

Rusty or Old:  Oh this one was difficult.  Not so much in finding old or rusty things but more so because I had a hard time deciding which photo to share.  So I'm going to share 2 for this prompt.

Today Coleen and I took a walk and discovered these items along the way.  Both are located on the grounds of Walla Walla Community College.  The first is some sort of Metal Art Sculpture and the next one is part of a Sculpture called a, Campanile which means, Bell Tower in Italian. 

I'm also sharing a little video of Coleen playing on the Campanile.

I borrowed my mom's Artificial Fruit and got creative using texture and text in (Gimp and Picnik) I used a couple of Free textures from Bonnie (Pixel Dust Photo Art) the textures I used were: Goodness and Acceptance both of which Bonnie offers, Free.

Repeating Pattern:  This one stumped me a little and then I settled on this photo:

I think the Geometric Design of the College's Dome qualifies as a, Repeating Pattern; don't you?

So that's it for this week.  I hope you've enjoyed my Interpretations of the Prompts.  Don't forget to stop by Ashley's blog and check out some of the other links.

Next week:  Strike a Pose, Footwear, Hobby, Shiny, and Color Me Green.


  1. Lovely shots Ida . .and I love the shot of Coleen and the cat . . .Teresa x

  2. Oooh, the Campanile is what got me - so interesting! I also adore your smile photo - what a chunky kitty & fitting name!

  3. I love that stand alone statue, and your artificial fooled me! Nice texture!

  4. nice collection - my favorite being your "smile" shot - sweet! I too gave the ole 'artificial fruit' a go, but decided to ditch my attempt; yours on the other hand is very nice (like the texture and processing).

  5. Nice shots - I really like your 2nd rusty one! Good job!

  6. These are al gorgeous! Love the pattern in the dome!

  7. Fabulous post!! First off, I love the art sculptures...and I promise, I did not laugh and the chief's name.

    And then, the first image, that one just melted my heart....beautiful sweet innocent face of a lovely girl. And her kitty is purrfect.

  8. Thanks for your visit. The trees are in western Idaho. Yout old and rusty is wonderful but the dome really is a great shot. Thanks

  9. Well you've did it again, I loved all your submissions especially the one with Coleen and Piglet. Beautiful photography

  10. Lovin' that sweet smile. She is a cutie!! Your rusty is unique and also like that Indian "stand alone". Really interesting line-up this week. Yeah!!

  11. I love, love, LOVE the rusty book sculpture!

  12. Sweet, sweet smile on your little gal! And I love the sculptures. Nice set of images.

  13. Love your stand alone and artificial. I want to check out those textures you have used. I've never tried that.

  14. Thanks for stopping by:) I love you rust photos, especially the 2nd one! Nice "meeting" you!

  15. Ida, I love your smile, rusty, and artificial images! Great set this week! Had to laugh at the names of the Indians. ;)

  16. I like "Pew Pew Mox Mox"! :) Especially the angle...not only standing alone..but standing alone TALL! :)


  17. Love the smile... cute little girl.

  18. Sweet smile and I like your old and rusty shots....good job!

  19. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! The rusted sculpture photos are really interesting, and the college dome pattern is very cool! And I love the cuddly kitty picture! Reminds me of when I used to cuddle with my cats growing up. :)

  20. Wow those are some big rusty things!
    Nice series thanks for visiting my blog have a great week!

  21. Beautiful pictures, I really like metal sculptures, and especially the girl with the cat. Good week.

  22. Fabulous photos, Ida. Colleen is such a cutie. :)

  23. Great photos, I just adore your first shot!!

  24. I really love that first one- so sweet

  25. Such great shots to fulfill the prompts! I especially love both of your rusty shots! Precious sot of Coleen! She's beautiful! I'm glad you stopped by my blog, because now I've found yours!! Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful photos!

  26. I love the shot of the rusty and old. The way you processed the artificial shot is great!

  27. Another great set of pictures! Love the repeating pattern in the last picture. Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog!

  28. Smile is really sweet, and that rust sculpture is great!


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