Thursday, January 5, 2012

Photo Art Friday - Jan.6-8th

Hello,  I trust you are all off to a great start in this brand New Year!  So far things are going well here in "Wally World" (aka - Walla Walla, WA). - In fact hard as it is to believe yesterday we hit a "record" temperature here of 69 degrees!  I know it won't last but it sure was nice.

So now let's join in on the fun over on Bonnie's Blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art for Photo Art Friday  - This week was sort of an (easy) assignment as Bonnie asked us to revisit our favorite photo or piece of photo art from 2011.

Here is mine:

I loved the way this turned out.  The sheer sense of Joy on my granddaughter's face was just delightful.
A funny thing though is later when I was talking to her about this picture she said she didn't like it and that she was only pretending to be happy so I'd quit taking pictures of her!  - Does it spoil the photo for me knowing that,  not in the least.  She looks happy and joyful and no matter what that is how I will always view her when I look at this picture.

Don't forget to check out the other enteries to see what captured other people's attention as their favorites for 2011.  Here's to another great year of pictures and photo art.


  1. Ida, I enjoyed this image immensely when your first posted it. And still do on second viewing.

  2. I love your image and I don't believe a word of it, I think Your Grand daughter secretly loves that you take her photo and make much of her, don't quit! Love your image and the words!

  3. her expression on this photo is unbeatable!

  4. Great capture and edit Ida!! Her admission to you made me laugh - sounds just like my DD, although she's now 17! She now takes great photos and I get to play with them for PAF, etc.

    **I don't have the patience to sit and bribe the big dog, but she does!!

  5. Beautiful image, love, is the representation of happiness and freedom. Greetings.

  6. I'm sharing the 'good-feeling-moment' too. Love everything about it!

  7. Hello Ida,

    Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my photo blog and leaving a comment.

    I really like this photo. She may have been pretending but it was an Oscar winning performance indeed.


  8. Love this image and the treatment you added to it Ida. I think I remember it from 2011 and I would choose it as one of my favs of yours too! Thank you for sharing with Photo Art Friday.

  9. Kids say the darndest things. :)

  10. Love this photograph, and equally love her comment!!
    Beautifully done Ida!

  11. I love this too :)

  12. Ida - I remember this one and absolutely loved the feeling of freedom and joy in it. Excellent choice. thanks, kareninkenai

  13. Great capture and she does look very full of joy even if she says she wasn't!

  14. I like the colors in your picture.

  15. Beautiful and happy pictures. I really like the baby.


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