Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today is a day of "Remembrance" for me.  It's the anniversary of my dad's death in 1998. - It's hard to believe that 14 years have past since that day.  Sometimes it seems like only yesterday.  So much has happened in the 14 years that he's been gone but one thing remains the same.  That is that I still love him and honor him as my father even though he is no longer physically with me.

Below is a picture of my dad taken in 1996, just 2 years before he passed away.  He's attending a Potluck dinner at the Bowling Alley.  He and my mom both bowled on a Senior League at that time.  He would have been 75 years old in that photo.
My dad loved bowling, hunting, fishing, model trains and yes, Potluck dinners!

"Dad I miss you."- I cherish all my memories of you, the good ones and yes even a few of the bad ones.  You were a great dad and I'm still your "little girl".  I know you are enjoying Heaven and someday I'll see you again.  Love always., Ida"

He was a wonderful man with a great sense of humor and an easy, laid back personality. People always seemed to enjoy being around him. 

Below are a couple of photo's of the flowers my mom & I took out to the cemetry today. Normally we take flowers from our gardens but it's January and there are no flowers blooming.  Well there are a few hardy Snapdragons in Coleen's little flower bed still bravely blooming away but not enough for a good bouqet so we bought our flowers at the store instead.


  1. Hi Ida,
    I am sorry for your loss. I too lost my dad in 1998 and he was only 62, so I feel as you do. He also passed in January, so it was quite a coincidence you visited my blog today. I did see your macro images and they are quite nice. I am somewhat new to joining this meme, I did long ago, but it is a lot to keep up with. Thank you so much for visiting and allow me a remembrance too.

  2. Oh, it's tough remembering those we loved so much that have passed away. It's lovely that you posted your thoughts and pics of your Dad today. My Dad passed away in 1991 and my Mom in late 2010. I miss them both, especially my Mom. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy New Year!!

  3. It's nice to have a 'remembrance day' and I understand how you feel. My father passed away in 1999, however it was in still does not seem real...

  4. My dad was born in 1920 as well -- he passed in 2007. I think of him often -- even have dreams about him. Never forgotten. :)

  5. My heart goes out to you. There is always a hole in your heart on the loss of a loved one. I know you have treasured memories that will keep him close to you forever. Mickie :)

  6. The good memories will always keep you alive.


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